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Socity membership transfer fees

(Querist) 26 December 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Hi Experts,

I have purchased a CGHS flat in Dwarka on loan about a year back.
All my original docs are with bank.
Now i wish to transfer the membership in my name however the Society is asking for RS 10,000 regarding trasfer fees.
Though they are asking me to pay in cheque (which means white), still I want to clarify few things

--Is it legal to ask for a fee for membership transfer
--Socity has 2 accounts one is regualar "XXX CGHS LTD" another is "XXX CGHS WELFARE FUND" (XXX denotes socity) & they want me to pay the transfer fees towards welfare fund, is that legitimate ?
--Is there any Law regarding whats the exact fees CHGS is supposed to ask for regardng this membership transfer fees

I shall be highly obliged if some one could throw some light on it before I get on with the task of asking for some accountability from the people/CGHS restorting to such malpractices.

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 December 2016
Generally society takes such transfer fee, it is as per bye laws of society and state act.

It seems one account is for maintenance etc. and other for welfare purpose / other renovation etc.

You can ask the details from society and confirm from nearby societies to get the actual position.

Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 27 December 2016
Agree with RK Goyal.
Rajkumar Tiwari (Expert) 28 December 2016
Yes, Society can take transfer fee as per the bye laws of the State. About the two different account you can take clarification from the Scoiety.
Biswadeep Saha (Querist) 02 January 2017
Hello Experts,

Thanks for your response.

Socity denied to provide me any copy of By-laws & rather stated there is no mention about transferred fees however this it the "GENERAL" amount which everyone has to pay.

I am suspecting some corrupt practices are followed, Though the money is taken in cheque, whether its been passed on to DDA is not clear.

Considering we are not willing to pay the so call transfer fees, does the socity have right to reject/deny/delay the membership (which is already over an year since the time we applied) ?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 02 January 2017
Try to get copy from Registrar office through RTI.

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