Querist :
(Querist) 06 November 2011
This query is : Resolved
sir...on behalf of my friend. my friend is a primary teacher, currently working in birbhum, west-bengal. he is serving from july of last year, its been one and half year of his service. now he want about 3 years of leave, as study leave without any pay. he ask this query to the chairman of the school council,but did not get any way out.he has been told to resign from service if he want study leave.and told that the govt has been changed ,therefore the existing rule has been changed. he is totally confused, he does not want to resign but to seek 3 years of study leave.please provide a way out. how to get the leave legally . thank you.
(Expert) 06 November 2011
For study leave there are certain specific eligibility conditions about minimum qualifying service of the employee, which are available in the Leave Rules of the respective Government. So, please go through the Leave Rules applicable to the organisation.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 06 November 2011
Yes !With out going through the Leave Rules applicable to you in the organisation it would simply speculation to speak about.
Rajeev Kumar
(Expert) 06 November 2011
I agree with the expert query reply.
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 08 November 2011
need to adhere advise of Learned Experts.
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