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Take again missed agm 30th september

(Querist) 23 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
I am residing CHS in Mumbai.
Our MC had called AGM on 30th September but due to unhappy members raised queries about their grievance & about the validity of MC committee ( as members says that committee period is already over & take elections ) , committee did not discuss AGM agenda & cancelled AGM.

What is procedure or options available for MC to call AGM again as 30th September deadline is missed.

Thanks in Advance.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 24 December 2015
Are you a member of the Managing Committee? If so, again go through the provisions of MCS Act, Rules and Bye-Laws adopted by your society, it is clearly mentioned. Otherwise, send a "No confidence" resolution against the Managing Committee to Registrar Cooperative Societies as per the provisions of law (which is mentioned in the MCS Act as well as MCS Rules)
However, it should be called within the financial year.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 24 December 2015
File complaint with the Registrar of Societies.
Sanjay (Querist) 24 December 2015
Thanks you Vashista Sir & Rajendra Sir.
I am not in MC.

On 23rd December MC displayed notice for "SPECIAL ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING" on notice board. Meeting scheduled on 27th December giving only 5 days notice (But in meeting notice, letter is dated 12/12/2015 mentioned).

I dont know what basis they are calling SAGM (I never heard about such meeting Special-AGM).

Today few members are planning to meet Chairman/Secretary. but dont know what to ask MC about meeting, like 1) registrar's permission for meeting,2) what is S-AGM, 3) short notice period, 4) if this meeting is legal ?

Please suggest to take appropriate step about this.

For "No Confidence Motion" we are not 1/3 members unity, rest members not interested.
If this is easy & quick task then we can follow.
Kindly suggest.

Adv. Yogen Kakade (Expert) 28 December 2015
Consult a local lawyer.. he ll be able to guide you better
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 29 December 2015
Contact, consult and engage a local lawyer for proper advise and proceeding.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 03 January 2016
Qs suggested by experts, you can take the help of a local advocate and proceed as per the law envisaged in the bye-laws of the society.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 10 July 2018
I Agree with Vashista

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