to break bond service to go for prepartion of higher studies
Querist :
(Querist) 11 January 2016
This query is : Resolved
Sir i have sign a bond service of 5years after completing my i want to study for my entrance exam to go for higher studies.Is there anyway i can go for my studies without paying bond break money which is 30 lac.which i am not able to pay right now.plz help
dr g balakrishnan
(Expert) 12 January 2016
Please mention what kind of bond you have with whom; normally banks when they give education loans, till you get the job after your studies only they can charge interest and they cannot even take installments on the principal funding. please mention all details if it has to be private you can get advice to your e-mail id from lawclub
Querist :
(Querist) 12 January 2016
Sir i have sign service bond with college stating that i will do a job for 5years or if i leave in between will pay a sum of 30lac with interest.
(Expert) 12 January 2016
Anonymous query, seems to be a hypothetical academic query.
However, even if it is real issue, you can treat your hopes dashed at least for 5 years, if you are unable to fulfill the bond conditions.
Querist :
(Querist) 12 January 2016
@p s dhingra.sir its not hypothetical.everybody had sign paper in our college..sir nothing can be done..sir plz help its very depressing sitaution
Querist :
(Querist) 13 January 2016
Plz state sumthingg
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 16 January 2016
You have answered your own question that nothing can be done on it, then where is the question of depression about it?
You have studied MBBS from a medical college, how was that the college forced into its employment fold that too with service bond of 5 years?
The contents of bond are to be seen for proper opinion, instead yo can produce the papers before a lawyer expertise on the field in the local and get his opinion in person.
(Expert) 16 January 2016
Dear Anonymous,
Before signing bond of such a heavy amount of 30 lakhs, you could have thought at least for 10 times, whether you would be satisfied with the present job with lower salary or to develop your career further. So, based on your short description, it can be said, your addditional qualification can cost you by additional 30 lakhs in the hape of bond amount.
Further, if you have the desire to break bond you will have to be absent unauthorisedly, as your employer would not relieve you without deposit of bond amount. However, if you go on unauthorised absence, besides inviting diciplinary action against you to be a slur on your career, that can cost you even much heavier than the bond amount in terms of more than 30 lakhs and waste of your precious time extending even to some years in courts of law to fight the case, as your organisation can drag you in the court of law to recover the bond amount.
So based on your own description, at present you have only one choice, (1) to opt for development of your career on payment of bond money, OR (2) to wait for 5 years by sticking to your present job.
Pros & cons of the alternatives you have to weigh for yourself.
BUT still, all that can depend upon the language of the bond If something can be found untra-vires of law in the text of the bond, only that can help you. So, get a copy of the bond examined thoroughly by some expert either in person or through email to have suitable advice to know if you can have any let up and way out of the problem.
(Expert) 24 January 2016
It is decided by most of the experts that anonymous queries will not be answered.