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Type of Judges

(Querist) 16 December 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Hi All,

I read newspaper every day and I am really interest in legal cases judgement and trial news, Now While reading news paper I came across different type of court cases (trail court, session court, special court etc) in the same manner I came across different judges(session judge, special judge etc)

Can any one please tell me the type of court and type of Judges list we have in indian legal system.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 16 December 2009
1- Junior Civil Judge ( First Calss Judicial Magistrate - Crimnal side )

2- Senior Civil Judge ( Asst Sesssions Judge )

3- District Judge ( Sessions Judge )

4- High Court

5-Suprem Court

6- For any specific Case/s Govt may constitute Special Courts that Specific case / cases

The abvoe is the system of judiciary - However there are Courts under Sepcial enactment/Acts .

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 16 December 2009
I do agree with Rao.
aman kumar (Expert) 16 December 2009
1- Junior Civil Judge ( First Calss Judicial Magistrate - Crimnal side )

2- Senior Civil Judge ( Asst Sesssions Judge )

3- District Judge ( Sessions Judge )

4- High Court on state levels

5-Suprem Court apex only one in india

6- For any specific Case/s Govt may constitute Special Courts that Specific case / cases as fast trek couts, consumber courts,C.B.I.

The abvoe is the system of judiciary - However there are Courts under Sepcial enactment/Acts .
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 16 December 2009
agree with the above experts
Ranjeet Singh chauhan (Querist) 16 December 2009
thanks Mr Rao, Mr Kumar, Mr Makkad and Batia Ji as well for you answers.
Mani Narayanaswamy (Expert) 18 December 2009
In civil cases the hirearchy is as follows:-
District Munsif
Subordinate Judge,
District Judge
High Court and then Suprement Court.

In criminal cases
First Class Judicial Magistrate
Assistant Sessions Judge
Sessions Judge
High Court and then Supreme Court

Special Courts are formed under special statute like Essencial Commodities Court or CBI Court.
jayaselan j k (Expert) 18 December 2009
hai i do agree with mani narayanasamy and afore said experts.
in addition there will be additional judges example, additional district munsif like that bye

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