unauthorised construction
(Querist) 29 April 2010
This query is : Resolved
sir,i am one of the plot owners of B in ABC .plot owner of C constructed a house in BC half portion in B and half portion in C.when i demands the plot value he refused to do so or to take the entire plot .what is the legal remedy for me? can i demand for compensation or can i file a case for demoltion of the porton which he constructed the house in my plot?the matter is with in 3 years and plot has been regd. long back by me but plot owner C is purchesed 5 years back.
Silabhadra Sastry Advocate
(Expert) 30 April 2010
Dear Mr.Krishnaih there are lots of remedies left for you.First you can approach your local body, which approves the building plan,and can start one unauthorised construction case against C.You can approach your local Civil Court filing a suit for Eviction Declaration of your Right,Title,Interest , possession along with permanent Injunction,so that your neighbor will come for a compromise or else you can get remedy through court.Regards Silabhadra Sastry,Advocate,Bhubaneswar,Odisha,Email-shastry.adv@gmail.com
(Querist) 03 July 2010
ThanQ Mr.Sastry Garu,If it is convenient for you can you give me some citations on the matter by return mail sir?