pawan kumar
(Querist) 19 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
I m in possession of house property since1991 by virtue of court decree in my favour .Decree was granted in declaration case filed by me against my father.I didn't get mutation in revenue records.My brother some how got signed regd Will from father and got mutation in his name to the extent 25%in the he has against me claiming usage charges for25%share.I have challanged his will and mutation on the ground that father can't execute will after court decree passed in my favour in declaration suit. SinceMatter is sub judice Can he claim usage charges before COURT DECISION IN THE CASE AS OWNERSHIP IS NOT YET DECIDED.
In which author has posted following remarks against senior experts:
" Very sad.U please reply his claim for rent is maintainable or not."
" Nandaji don't blame me for misusing case u r unable to reply don't make excuses"
" How u say my question r hypothetical"
" Mr.Dhingra don't be arrogant and proudly. While dealing queries of common persons"
" U should have sense at least"
" U should have sense at least"
(Expert) 19 July 2016
Rajendra ji,
So this is the only person, who has senses and attiquette how to behave others from whom he intends to learn somethingm but only through hypothetical & academic queries!
Pleased to meet him!
(Expert) 19 July 2016
Rajendra ji,
So this is the only person, who has senses and attiquette how to behave others from whom he intends to learn somethingm but only through hypothetical & academic queries!
Pleased to meet him!
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 19 July 2016
It is indeed good that Experts have pointed out the conduct of author.
pawan kumar
(Querist) 19 July 2016
I also came to know of syndicate u few so called experts have formed to misguided innocent persons
(Expert) 19 July 2016
Author, it shows what are you.
pawan kumar
(Querist) 19 July 2016
It also shows how u r.Narrow minded so called experts
(Expert) 20 July 2016
Mr. Pawan,
If you think, the members are a syndicate, why you time and again come to LCI with your academic queries to be answere by th esyndicate members. Why not you go to some sensible local lawyer, who may not be a member of syndicate, discuss your problems at length with him and get satisfied to your fill.
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