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Video recording without consent

(Querist) 02 July 2021 This query is : Resolved 
i need to know about the rules of video recording in govt office without consent of the officer in charge:
In a case with one of my female contract employee wherein she was absent from work for almost a month due to lockdown and i've asked her to join the office otherwise i may have to engage some other staff living nearby for the period of lockdown and she can re join after the lockdown, and then she came to my room next day and starts recording video in her mobile phone which she was holding in her hand , upon noticing her i asked her not to do it, then she stopped.
even though i asked her to join afterwards but i felt i was not at all wrong in informing her about the work conditions of company , and she should not have done this even after paying full months salary last year when she was absent for months together, now i am in a position where i am really scared if she files a false complaint against me in future if i try to be strict with her about the works etc.
is there any legal provisions where i can just formally lodge a complaint about the illegal video recording or an advance complaint about her, while she was filming in her mobile one of my assistant female staff was also present in the room and she is a witness to it.
pls advice as i can not terminate her from her job also since she's working as contract staff for almost10 years and she's got her family obligations too.

P. Venu (Expert) 02 July 2021
The query suggests no legal elements, but only deficiencies in managing the Office affairs!
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 02 July 2021
You being in the position of supervising her job, should be able to take action against her for the illegal acts she has committed.\
You cannot show her mercy for any reason.
If she is a contractual employee, you can very well terminate her employment citing misbehavior or misconduct as a reason.
Why are you scared about she video graphing you while you were reportedly passing instructions to her for work, since you have not done any wrong hence your fears in this regard is unnecessary.
In your official capacity you can very well enforce law under such circumstances to which you are empowered.
Hence better take a considered decision or you can seek the assistance of your higher up to effectively handle this situation.
ashok kumar singh (Expert) 03 July 2021
agreed with views of earlier experts, therefore no further comments, so far

Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 05 July 2021
Why so weak administrator is employed by the organisation ?
Asgher Mahdi (Expert) 06 July 2021
SDOP NMA RGT (Querist) 07 July 2021
thanks for the valuable comments

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