Welcome the new year by celebrating samvatsararambh: chaitra sh
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Querist) 20 March 2012
This query is : Resolved
Welcome the New Year by celebrating Samvatsararambh: Chaitra Shukla Pratipada
From: Swami Shyamendra - swamishyamendra@gmail.com;
1, 95, 58,85,113rd ON MARCH 23 , 2012 FOR GLOBAL UNITY
With the discovery of The Dead Sea Scrolls and broadcasting of Psycho-analysis of Jesus , Gospel and prophets of monotheistic religions by world class psychologists such as Nietzsche , Hirsche, Sangle , Loosten , Freud , Jung and Jasper as well as Dr. Somar have concluded that all the way from Abraham , Moses , Joshua , Elijah , Jeremiah , Ezekiel , Ezra , Henoch to Jesus , were mentally disturbed people .
Actually , the latest study has declared --- they were having waves of bad temper and habitually intolerant , domineering , vindictive , pedantic , meticulous people . Dr. Somar’s psychological study of Jesus reveals that he had a mental problem of sneaking development of persistent and unassailable delusion system . So , thought clarity was missing. Jesus had morbid world view . He was quick tempered , ego centric, loved everyone only below him . He out of his resentment utters threats against rich , powerful and well established , cursing even the tree .He appears naïve , dreamy , lack of balance , somewhat secretive often full of resentment and hate .
Bible describes Moses ---- He flew into rage when his men killed all males of Midianite people [Who had given him shelter years before ] but left women with their children alive . Moses ordered them to kill all children with all married women and keep virgins for themselves to enjoy sex.
Moses never allowed people to see Mt. Sinai [ where he got co called 10 commandments ] it was sealed off. He was guilty of slaughter of 3000 people . Same was his successor Joshua . Prophet Elijah was a panic monger , impulsive man . He knew how to impress and fool crowds .
According to Gita and Upanishads God- men are very humble , selfless , vegetarian , no wine , no drug and high character people.
Where as Biblical prophets are cases of paranoid psychosis or paraphrenia with slightly schizophrenic shift which are far away syndromes of even normal beginners of Yoga or Vedic Hindu Dharma then what to speak of God realized men.
The purpose of my giving you this information is to let you know that monotheistic religions are
Not actually religions but imperialistic procedures of brain programming for very selfish purpose , masquerading as religions and therefore you are requested to rise above Macalyite brand misleading brain washing kind of education and false propagandas against Hindus and
Hinduism which the stalinists historians and missionaries have hurled upon the western intelligentsia . So that you can be free from mental pollutions to participate in the festival of Cosmic New Year’s Day . It is not just marry making only one day but prove to be fountain of solution to most of our ferociously standing problems of the world . Rejoice , we are here to provide you the true history of humanity according to the Vedas – the oldest religion of the world.
According to the Vedas we must celebrate our 1,95 , 58 , 85 ,113 rd anniversary of the advent of human civilization on March 23rd 2012. This means the oldest --- one common ancestor of humanity informs us that one billion , ninety five million , fifty eight lacs , eighty five thousand , one hundred and thirteen years ago the humanity was born. .
Plz dismiss the intellectual bankruptcy –product Theory of Evolution or Big Bang Theory or Aryan Invasion Theory along with other Christian- Moslem- Stalinist- concocted false and corrupt images of Hinduism.
These are just theories , not the truth , not even facts . Aryan Invasion Theory is a fraud against humanity and deceit of worst kind. It has harmed immensely to entire humanity . A social fraud on India .
So , what is the fact ?
The fact is this ----
400 , 000 kinds of humans , 2000,000 kinds of trees , 1100 ,000 kinds of birds and flies and insects , 3000, 000 kinds of animals were born within short period of time .
After this on Wednesday on the 9th of bright fortnight of Kartik month , Satya Yuga started for 1 ,72 ,8 000 years .This day is celebrated in India even to this day nonstop thru out thousands of years. The Yogis who were born then and still living yogis of Mahavatar Baba caliber say that normal people lived for round about 15 000 years and their height was about 21ft. There were no records of disease , dishonesty , pollution ,catastrophes or any of the 3 kinds of afflictions. Most of people of any class were free to migrate to any country or planet and live there as long as he or she liked.
Interplanetary marriages were common. They did not always need airplane [ although there were will driven and other kinds of airplanes ] to travel.
They just focused their awareness in certain plexus and told the Existence ‘’if I am truly honest or if I love so and so with all my heart then by the power of this truth let me reach up to that planet or any place of the world ‘’ And the Existence was bound to facilitate the trip or fulfill the wish . Each lady , each gent , even teen agers were so independent and free that almighty nature was suppose to fulfill their wish or get in trouble .
The Government was just for show. He used to be puppets not in the hands of some party or gang or victims of dhimmitude as today but in the hands of every cosmic conscious citizen.
Most ladies belonged to Padmini grade of beauty and grace. I travelled around and never saw a single Padmini lady . It means this race of unique manifestation of astounding and stunning beauty is now extinct.
Pushkar was the most visited power spot for holy pilgrimage.
The bramhans were able to perform the impossible task by their invincible blessing or even curse .
The Ksatriyas were able to win a ferocious lion single handedly without using weapon and if fell in neck deep love they challenged for battle even if he was some demigod or king of other planet if he was barrier in their sacred union with the loved one.
The Vaishyas were helping society by enterprising creating wealth with honesty and compassion . No one donated less than $ 10, 000 .
The Shudras were establishing relationship with the Cosmic by working with selfless service full attitude .
This VARNA system is viciously translated as caste system staying blind folded at the great difference.
Varna is psychological and metaphysical with its little social facet , a natural division of society based on predominant psychological traits and spiritual quality .
Whereas caste is rigid social enforcement…
Study of comparative religions today is a political weapon to white wash the differences and divisions.
The basic conflicting dogmas remain unchallenged . Monotheistic prophetic aggressions are not questioned . Researches on the all- problem - solving mysteries and secrets of Hindu Dharma is never made fully and honestly . Whenever they did they failed to give credit to Hindu Dharma. They misinform and misguide students explaining it as one of the bunch of
religions founded upon harmful compulsive mental and psychic formations.
When Varna system was well set in Satya Yuga freedom , equality , security , fearlessness , co operation, community life and spiritual well being were naturally ensured .
That ‘s why all foreign travelers who visited Hindu India before Moslem Christian invasions have praised the social and national system of India . The latest you can read Alberunie .
Chronicles record there were 32000 sun eclipses and 5000 moon eclipses.
Four divine incarnations blessed this Millennium .
On the 3rd of dark fortnight of Vaishakh month Treta Yuga started for 1, 29 , 6 ooo years . Dharma -- the yogic lifestyle or righteousness which is interconnected with supernatural power was reduced from 100% to 75% . This effected the environment . Lifetime of citizens was reduced to mere 10,000 years. Their height was reduced to about 15ft. As long as bone was available dead men was brought to life again. Intergalactic communications and travellings were not easy as before but there were still frequent travels and normal communications between all dimensions of Existence. Naimisaranya was the biggest power spot for sacred vacationing. There were 3200 solar and 500 lunar eclipses and 3 Divine incarnations took place in this millennium. As for as beauty of the ladies was judgd Chitrini class of ladies were highly admired.
On the 15th of dark fort night of Magh month , Friday midnight Dwapar Yuga started for 8 , 64000 years . Life time of people reduced to 1000 to a couple of hundred years . Kuruksetra became the venerated holy spot for pilgrimage. As long as a piece of flesh remained
the dead man was brought to life if some expert so desired. There were 320 and 50 solar ,lunar eclipses . Shankhini ladies were admired who were so sensitive , so fragile at heart who fell in love with single sight and love lasted to the last breath. Only selected , integrated
persons were able to go on interplanetary trips . Only advanced Yogis and only one – man women were able to bestow invincible blessing or curse
. Only one Divine incarnation took place in this Millennium .
On the 13th of dark fortnight of Bhadra month , Sunday midnight Kali Yuga started 5113 years ago. Dharma in life is reduced to only 25% still continuously diminishing . Intergalactic travelling became possible only with astral body or after death.
Confused people do not believe even to that .For the first 2 000 years sky walking only around the earth was possible . Now even that technique is lost. Our freedom is restricted now by tools , machines, taxes , wealth and countless law enforcements . Our lifetime became limited to around 100 years and even less .
Until the breath is stopped you can be brought back to life. Size of the body is now reduced to 6 to 5 ft only. If Dharma is not restored humans height will keep reducing to the size of pigmies. Life span will become maximum 40 to 25 years. Imposters will keep claiming false predictions of world anihilations.
All the way from Jehovah Witness founder Charles Russell’s prediction of Jesus return in 1874 and his establishing God’s Christian empire by 1914 was failed . His successor Franklin’s extension of same prediction in 1920 also failed . But he raised billions of dollars and built royal
mansions for Abraham , Isaac , Jacob etc and convinced the Westerners they are sure to return in 1925 because now we have homes for them .
But the poor fellow’s heart was broken when prophets did not return.
Nothen Knorr an other church leader predicted major devastation of the world in 1975 to be fallowed by Christian God ‘s empire . It failed.
Another leader predicted destruction of the world in 1986 . Badly failed. Every time failures are cunningly rationalized by believers.
This is how from Jeremiah thru Jesus, Paul, Jehovah ‘s Witness and apocalypses to even Nostradamus predictions for world destruction in 1999 have repeatedly failed.
Question arises why Christian and Moslem prophecies have been falsified again and again?
Because , their verdicts are not arising from genuine wisdom or mystic trance. They arise from selfish motives , uncertain opinion or unrightous faith or caused by psycho-pathological delusions.
They should try to remedy their depressed position with real solution from Hindu Dharma which tells us do not worry about global annihilation for 42,68,87 years . Hindu Dharma says --- Four billion years are called one kalpa or one cosmic day . It is one day of not God but the creator our original ancestor. One cosmic day comprises of fourteen Manus --the one common ancestor of all humanity.
Each Manu’s lifetime extends for 71 Cycles of 4 Yugas [mentioned above] including 15 conjunction periods . A small deluge comes at the end of every Kali Yuga .
So it is not honest to scare people all the time just to squeeze out few billion silly bux from those who are already so poor paying so many taxes , bills and living everywhere.
One Kalpa is one day of the creator [who is not God but one of His employees and if you want that post it is available . Qualification is indicated in the chronicles ] who has now completed his 50th year and running in his fifty first year , first month , first fortnight , first day and about 3 hours 40 minutes have passed and some seconds are passing . It will take quarter of a million years to complete his minute.
In this year Governments will be as usual very unwisely battling with home grown and imported terrorisms , agitations and revolutions . Intellectuals world over will be obsessed with dhimmitude and giving wrong advises to the Governments yet keep feeling pity over the follies
of political leaders. More diseases, more taxes, more problems will surface .
At the same time more honest people from round the world will be arising searching for the Truth , enlightenment or a new meaning to their life. So , Have a happy new year dear friends ---This greeting is being sent to you from Swami Shyamendra of Rishikesh, INDIA .
It has nothing new in the text. In my early teen age what i have been hearing sitting togather with our large family every year from a edic scholer invited by my Rev father , that 's all i have written hecking out the latest calander of Banaras Hindu University. If you have questions on his statements email him --swamishyamendra@gmail.com
He is soon releasing Enews Letter which will be sent to any one who will request for it...
आओ मनाऐं नया साल-विक्रमी संवत 2069
Our new will fall on 23 of March 2012. 1st Navaratra .
(Expert) 20 March 2012
I appreciate.
Highly informative LEGAL QUERY by Mr. Makkad worth posting in this Expert area.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 20 March 2012
Best wishes for the new year.
Shonee Kapoor