(Querist) 07 April 2012
This query is : Resolved
sir i secured one of the judgments of Orissa High Court regarding witnesses.
"It is not necessary that the witnesses to the marriage should prove all the details which taken together constitute a valid Marriage under the Hindu law".
Is it correct sir. to prove a marriage, party to a marriage need not come to court and prove a marriage.
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 07 April 2012
"It is not necessary that the witnesses to the marriage should prove all the details which taken together constitute a valid Marriage under the Hindu law".
This statement does not say that the witness need not come to court. It says that the witness shall not prove ALL DETAILS.
It can be interpreted that the witness need to prove the essential details of marriage.
Which is that citation???
Would like to see the judgment. Further comment can be made only after perusing the judgment.
Ghanshyam Prasad
(Expert) 07 April 2012
witness to marriage has to appear in court to testify factum of marriage.reliabilily is judged by court.some missing details are of no consequenses.
(Expert) 07 April 2012
Why don't you just post the judgment in the forum?
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 08 April 2012
factum of marriage has to be proved.
A witness to the marriage can sometimes not have attended all ceremonies.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 08 April 2012
Witnesses to marriage may attend pars of ceremonies . So all details cannot be proved.