@ Mr. Devalla, @ Mr. Iyer,
WHEN ANYBODY COMMITS RAPE HE ACTS MERELY AS A RAPIST not as an Advocate, Doctor, Governor, Minister or in any other professional or office bearer. In fact rape means an unlawful s*xual intercourse committed by a man with a woman not his wife through force and against her will. If any woman gives her consent to a man for penetration that does not come under the term of a rape. If any woman allows viz., by indirect consent to a man (he may be an Advocate or Doctor or any body of any profession or office holder) to penetrate (may be whatever the reason behind) does not constitute the term RAPE. In this context we have prievelege to mention the case of Mr. N.D. Tewari, THE THEN GOVERNOR OF UTTARA KHAND. In that case we cannot blame his office and that too does not construe and mean as rape.