i entered into an agreement of sale with a builder in 1990 on condition that he will give some portion of the constructed area to me.. i also executed a power of attorney in his name..but he never completed the construction and i had to complete it after 10 years... i got the the building registered in my name and i own the building in every way.. now a person claiming to be an agreement holder of the original developer says that he is in possession of some part of the building and he filed a suit for injunction... how can i prove my title to the building??? the land is also in my name.. they are claiming the benefit of 53 A of the tp act.. they say that since the builder built the building he is the owner.. how can i defend myself??? any idea??? how can a person prove title to a building standing in his property when the building itself stood registered in my name in the local authority records???? can i prove anythin else???? please help???