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Santosh (Election Officer)     17 February 2011

Group Housing Society Elections - Partial Nominations Recd.


Can anyone guide me on how to proceed in case only nominations are received for only 5 posts out of 7 in the general elections of the management committee.

Should the last date for submission of nominations be extended for all posts?

Should we extend the last date for submission of nominations for only those posts for which there are no nominations?

Should the elections proceed for the 5 posts and the vacant 2 posts should be filled later through elections?

Our present society guidelines do not cover this aspect.

Request for an early guidance since we need to decide today on the way forward.

 2 Replies

V. VASUDEVAN (LEGAL COUNSEL)     14 April 2011

You have two options. The 7 positions would be maximum and not minimum. Hence the 5 member commitee would suffice and the portfolio allocation can be done suitably. Alternatively, the 5 members elected, at their first meeting may co-opt two more MC members fro the eligible members.


sumeer kumar sharma (Prop.)     30 April 2012

It depends on which state the society is located in as different state Acts have different provisions. For example in Delhi there is no provision for co-option of MC members in the new Act. However I agree that 7 members is the upper limit and there is no bar on having a lower strength subject to the minimum strength of the MC as prescribed in the Bye-Laws of the society.

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