Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm in a huge trouble..
My mobile conversation had been illegally taped/recorded between Sept 3rd,2012 and Sept 11th,2012 when I was talking to my friend Mrs. Dey, she is also a Airtel prepaid customer,
I am very sure of taping /recording when got to know from her that her husband installed an illegal recording software in the mobile thru which our conversation was recorded.
also,it was also circulated among others, her husband also threatend me based on the conversation,now I am undergoing a traumatic situation and undergoing a relationship problem with my wife,marriage is in trouble.
Also I heard that her husband is going to file a divorce aganist Mrs. Dey by submitting that illegaly recorded convesation as evidence, is it leaglly approved?
It was totally my personal conversation and it's a voilation of privacy law.
Kindly suggest me about the possible legal actions I can take against the person who has illegally recorded my mobile conversation and using that for personal interest..
Thanks & regards
K Sap