1. We belongs to islamic community. She filed false 498A, DP3, DP4 and 125 Crpc cases.
2. We approached QUAZI on SEP-2010 for divorce, he three notices to oppiste party. They received 3 notices and they didnt apeared before QUAZI.
3. In JAN-2011, he sent a show cause notice to other party asking them to come on last week of MARCH - 2011.
4. They came befoe quazi, we given arguments and asked for TALAQ, she given her arguments also and she denied to give TALAQ. Finally QUAZI asked both the parties to come back in MAY-2011.
5. We again told the same thing and she told again the same thing. Finally QUAZI said that,
" as cases are pending in court and she is not ready to give divorce, I am not going to do anything in this, you please deal all these in court".
What I need to do at this stage?