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Unhappy Teachers Day


Since times immemorial,teachers are teaching,yet the world is full of vice.

Educated ones are no better than uneducated ones,they do not become better humans after all this education,rather they become more shrewd after getting education,they become able to do bigger frauds.

Osho said once that every school and college be shut down for at least 100 years,why because education has failed in giving us good humans.

Present education system needs to be uprooted and be replaced by fresh one.It does not make any difference whether a child is studying in a tent in a Govt. School; or another child is studying in  AC room in a convent school.What difference it makes, if U are served poison in a earthen pot or in a silver Glass?

Considering all these factors ,I can not admire present day teachers and can not wish  Happy Teachers Day.

Rather I denounce the whole teaching system and people who are engaged in promotion of this system on this particular day.

Plz. contribute.

 4 Replies

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     05 September 2010

Yes, Tushar, but everyone is involved in this racket. Teachers, Govt, Community including students community, parents and guardians all are equally responsible.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     05 September 2010

Govt. must take three areas seriously, Law, Education and Heath. And all need Nobel professionals a lot of dedication and sincerity and in all these three dept. the entry of black sheep should be denied and even if they manage to enter they must be thrown out. Once these areas will be cleansed and addressed then we can hope for some good change and a better future. The more we invest in these fields/areas the more benefit we/country will reap.

But unfortunately these areas are most neglected, and we are paying price for it.

Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     05 September 2010

dear tushar,

problem is always be there,but a good student never takes plea just like a/c rooms or tent as-

in the dwapar era GURU DRONACHARYA also unfair for teaching profession for EKLAVYA ,

GURU DRONACHARYA denie to teach EKLAVYA because he was raj guru.

but EKLAVYA get their aim by learning hard.

Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     05 September 2010

I agree with u Sarveshji, all the great personalities across the world, have overpowered the poverty and other factors. Like our Best PM L B Shashtri, Apj Abdul Kalam, Scientist Satish Dhawan, Newton. Ex CMM Mr. Prem Kumar who had handled the case of PV Narsimha Rao etc. The list is endless.

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