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Rajesh Vaccha (Owner)     25 June 2010

Help - 3yrs since mutual divorce---now what?


I had a Mutual Consent divorce in June 2007. The divorce was granted at the Tis Hazari court in New Delhi (non criminal), and a decree of divorce was issued. There was NO other cases filed at any time during the proceedings, e.g. 498a etc.

I had NO CHILDREN from my marriage and paid a lumpsum alimony and returned all the spouse's (ex wife) belongings including those given from our end during and post wedding. There was no provision for any continued alimony etc post divorce, all financial and material obligations were cleared at the time of divorce.

It has been almost three years since the divorce was granted, yet I still get nightmares about my ex-wife, her family, her lawyer and worry that they may hatch some evil scheme to come after me. They are very corrupt people and influential in New Delhi.

I have had NO COMMUNICATION with them in any manner since the divorce proceedings were complete.

Is there anything they can do to me now? If I want to get re-married can I? Can they come after my assets/wealth anytime later in life (I have a good job and a good financial standing now).

I am hoping that the chapter is closed at that they have no right to harass me in any way anymore...

Thanks for your help,

Rajesh Vachha


 6 Replies


Follow "C" from below boom - bam - bang pun of being Indian Men

So, you are a man and you want to have a "relationship" in India in the 21st century. Keep reading.

This is the minefield that you are looking to traverse. You need to ask yourself whether the "treasure" at the end is really worth it.

You pay attention to a woman at work. Bam! Sexual Harassment.

. You pay attention to a woman outside work. Bam! Eve teasing.

. You love a woman but are not ready for marriage. Bam! Rape with promise to marry.

. You love a woman but you and her have a disagreement. Bam! Cruelty! PWDVA! Maintenance!

You marry a woman and you have a disagreement. Bam! IPC 498A, IPC 406, Dowry Prohibition Act, CrPC 125, HMA 24, PWDVA, Marital Rape.

You want to have a drink at home while your wife disagrees? Get ready for charges of physical violence and cruelty and rape under the influence of alcohol.

. You want to leave your wife. You must be a masochist. Bam Bam Bam! IPC 498A, IPC 406, Divorce based on cruelty against you, Dowry Prohibition Act, CrPC 125, HMA 24, PWDVA, Marital Rape, Share in property and your money, Alimony, ...

You want to leave a woman with whom you've had a child. You must be suicidal. IPC 498A, IPC 406, Divorce based on cruelty against you, Dowry Prohibition Act, CrPC 125, HMA 24, PWDVA, Marital Rape, Share in property, sole custody of children, no visitation rights, maintenance, alimony, living
expenses, parental alienation syndrome for your chlidren.

Your choices:

Become gay, have a relationship with a man. It is now legal.

. Undergo a s*x-change operation and become a woman and THEN have a relationship with a man or a woman.

. Go to Nevada in the US or Thailand and be entertained.

Listen to Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and become a servile husband. If your wife says look right, look right, if she says look left, look left.

Pay lawyers and become a clerk with the paperwork and buy a photocopier for them.

This is war. Is your blood boiling yet? Will you be a man, or be a pale shadow of a man?

Fight back. Be a commando. Fight for your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and your fellow sufferers in this regime of legal terrorism. Fight for your rights. Do not seek peace, seek equality and victory.

"Cowards die many times before their deaths, The valiant never taste of death but once."
Copyright "Harmanjit Singh" :-)

Now my serious take on your que.: I can understand the sad part you and your family went through some 3 yrs back, but had you not given the alimony and instead faught back this question would not have haunted you even after 3 years,  however now it is time to look for next 'relationship' so go ahead and all the very best. Since no communication from last 3 years post MCD so chances of "price index rise" based re-opening alimony chapter are less and last suggestion is not to use your real name in open forum to ask the que. least SHE is still hanging around :-)

Once again sincere all the best for following para "c" now.

2 Like


Dear Author,

I want to talk to u in person, u can talk to me at 9871158578.M Delhi based lawyer.

Rajesh Vaccha (Owner)     25 June 2010


Thank you for the replies. Just to clarify, I was NOT directed by the court to pay any alimony/maintenance etc as part of the Mutual Divorce.

The amount paid was directed by me and accepted by the ex wife. We documented the amount paid as part of the settlement, made the payment via a bank document in COURT, thus it is well documented.

I am not sure why the question of the ex wife possiby claiming 'price rise index' should arise in the court did not direct any payment to be made? On what grounds can she ask for more money 3 years post a mutual divorce, when there is no communication, NO CHILDREN and no subsequent claims or appeals have been filed since?

Surely she cannot just wake up one fine day and harrass me again?


Rajesh Vaccha

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     25 June 2010

don't worry please.

you are absolutely safe from her.

i could not understand why you have fear about  her. do not dreaming her.

that is a past only.

march ahead.


Sh. Rajesh

Your questions are good but you are in wrong forum at a belated phase of your life.

You should now got married and live a blessed life.

I suggest you immediately move out of this forum and thank GOD that in last 3 years nothing happened and start searching a lovely soulmate to start life fresh.  Leave all these legal jargons (price rise index and etal) as asked in your second posts to intending folks or long inners like me to face the music.

So when should we expect the GOOD NEWS !

I sincerely expect that no more posts will here be from your side now. As Arup ji rightly said "march ahead man" ..................

Ops n did you knew that MARCH AHEAD is a lovely song of Woodland Middle Schools ?, seatch for it in You Tube and listen to it, it is a beutiful rendation.................

All the best.

Rajesh Vaccha (Owner)     25 June 2010

Dear Friends,

Thank you very much for all your help so far. I am asking these questions because I am entering a new phase of my life.

I am earning a good salary and going to buy a house, car etc. like many of us dream. Someday I may also get married and DO NOT want my ex wife and her nasty lawyer to raise some issue then.

That is why I am wondering if there is any provision under the law by which my ex wife or her corrupt lawyer can harrass me now or anytime in the future? As stated, I had a mutual divorce, no children and no financial, material or any outstanding dues to my ex wife.

I am scared that if she gets to know of my growth they will think of whatever possible to start harassing me again...Can she claim that the divorce decree is false? That the judge was impartial? Does the Hindu Marriage Act provide any appeal for a Mutual Divorce after so long?

I am very serious about these questions, I want to make my divorce watertight, such that tomorrow if she sees me with my future wife and children driving a ferrari and living in a house of my own, she cannot do anything to me....

I have given you all the facts of the case and am hiding nothing, we have had no communication whatsoever since the divorce and everything was signed, sealed and delivered in June 2007, including the divorce decree from the Tis Hazari court.

Thanks for your help,

Rajesh Vaccha


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