if there is any judgement given by the court which stating that there is no common intention
RENU.V.R (legal) 26 September 2009
if there is any judgement given by the court which stating that there is no common intention
Kiran Kumar (Lawyer) 26 September 2009
dear friend, there can be numerous judgments on this point, but pls mention the facts of the case so that some relevant judgment can be found for the purpose.
Sachin Bhatia (Advocate) 26 September 2009
Please mention the facts of the case, the intention may be related to some particular situation or fact....
Adinath@Avinash Patil (advocate) 26 September 2009
Please give detail facts of your case.
priya (Software engineer) 26 September 2009
penal code 420, and 409