100%buyback Export Oriented Unit
vincent gomez
(Querist) 13 April 2011
This query is : Open
My client is in the advance negotiation with an importer at Bangla Desh to set up a 100% Export Otiented Unit at New Delhi. The EOU will have semifinished goods without any labelling at New Delhi and the Product is herbal hair oil in different carrier oil bases; while at Bangla Desh it will be labelled,finished and will be marketed therefrom.
Now, my client wants to know that can this EOU be treated as one unit namely at New Delhi we make semifinished goods and at Bangla Desh we do the final finishing and marketing of the goods in question under one factory unit to take concession of the taxation in both the countries more in particularly in Bangla Desh.
Can my learned friends inform me firstly that where to register my client for 100% EOU in New Delhi and secondly what are the ways to make this product in question to be treated as under one factory, in order to take concession of the Bangla Desh import customs and excise and other taxation as our said products in question will be re-exported from Bangla Desh.
Thirdly, what ware the procedure to set up 100% EOU in New Delhi. Kindly let me know.