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adoption by persons not governed by hindu adoption

(Querist) 21 August 2008 This query is : Resolved 
What are the procudere of adopting a child by the members other than the hindu community
Guest (Expert) 21 August 2008
Most the religious laws give and recognise the adoption. If Muslim the Quoron deals with it. If you tell which caste, treligion it will be easy to reply.

Customary laws are there in most of the religions and they operate.
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 22 August 2008
Yes as my friend said if not covered by hindu law then may be by muslim law. You ought to have told the community of the people if they are not Hindus
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 25 August 2008
Adoption procedure varies religion to religion also the customary laws are different for various religions. In general it is not allowed to people belong to other religions, like Islam, Christianity, since it is against their religious tenets.
So you should more specific in your querry.

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