Amount wrongly trf. to unknown bank account refuse to refund
B Pradhan Singha
(Querist) 25 February 2019
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
Few days ago I had make an Paper NEFT from one of my bank A/c (BOB) to my another bank a/c (SBI). But now I checked and found that the amount has not credited in my SBI A/c but amount already debited my BOB A/c. When I asked my bankers (BOB) they check and reply that the amount has been transfer to another's account of SBI in different state branch. I have checked my NEFT counter part and found all details is correct but bankers(BOB) says that their NFET paper part might be filled wrong details. But they disagree to show that part and voucher in their custody. My beneficiary bank(SBI) checked the unknown receiver details and request the said branch to help. On request the unknown receiver branch(SBI) has freeze the account but the amount has already been withdrawn by the said unknown persons. Also he is refusing to return the money.
kindly help me.
Can I file any case against the said unknown persons to recover the amount? If so then in which act and section.
Kindly advice
Suhail suhail
(Expert) 26 February 2019
Why are you waiting just just file the cheating complaint instantly.
sachin sharma
(Expert) 27 February 2019
File police complaint under section 403 IPC and fraud. Include bank too as a party. It is a case of criminal misappropriation of property, also if bank is refusing to share the details, bank too is the part of fraud and deficiency in service. So, your remedy as above and a consumer court case against a bank seeking compensation also.