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Bond transfer conditions from railways to psu coal india(

(Querist) 17 April 2021 This query is : Resolved 
I have applied for coal India management trainee post on 21 Nov 2019 and exam happened on 27feb 2020.
I joined Indian railways on 19/08/2020 for which I have signed bond for serving railway for 5 years otherwise I have to return cost of training.
But interview of coal India was taken on 07/jan/2021 for which I have taken NOC and proper communication was done.

Presently I am selected in coal India which is of higher salary, but I am still in my probation period.
The HR person are saying since you are not permanent railway employee your bond will not be transferred and you have to refund cost of training. But as per chapter 14 of Indian railways codes. That if person selected at higher post and taken NOC with proper communication can leave by transferring there bond / give technical resignation and he is exempted for refunding cost of training

So, what should I do?coal India Is ready for bond transfer. But railways personal department people are not ready?
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 17 April 2021
As per Railway Board recruitment rules, the HR person cannot do anything. so either you have to pay the cost of the training period or continue in railways which a central government job.
ashok kumar singh (Expert) 18 April 2021
agreed with views of earlier experts.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 18 April 2021
. yes you have to pay the the cost of training
DEEPAK ASSUDANI (Querist) 18 April 2021
Sir, but as per chapter 14 of Indian railways. Bond transfer is valid for the central psu also
P. Venu (Expert) 18 April 2021
The facts posted are disjointed and ill-informed?
The posting nowhere suggests that the Railways have taken any Bond. As such, where is the question of Bond transfer?

So also, what is Chapter 14 of Indian Railways?

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