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AJIT KAWATKAR   14 January 2010 at 00:51

registration act case law

kind enough to provide citations 1]agrmnt for sale +delivery of possession could be construde to be conveyance-----veena Hasmukh Jain v/sstate of Maharashtra[1999]5 scc 725 AIR1999 sc 807 2]Naginbhai P.Desai v/s Taraben A. Seth AIR 200 Bom 192

AMAN   13 January 2010 at 22:51


Ajay Itakikar   13 January 2010 at 20:59

Eviction of Tenant

I have an ancestral property of agricultural land. But it is occupied already by tenant (now his legal heirs). My name is in the column of 7 and tenant names are in column 12 in the 7/12 extract. I want to evict them but they are declared to be "Protected Tenants" according to Bombay Agricultural Land Tenancy Act,1958. Any one from tenants never paid me any charges of rents (lagaan, lagwan). Is this a sufficient ground to ask for eviction?

VIKRAM BALU   13 January 2010 at 19:39

partnership firm immovable property


a property was purchased in the name of 5 family members by registered sale deed. They constituted a partership by will by an unregistered partnership deed to manage the property. The property was not brought in as capital or asset of the partnership. after 2 years, they executed another unregisterd partnership deed and brought the immovable property as capital of the partnership. 1 year later they executed another unregistered partnership retirement deed whereby 3 partners retired mentioning that did not want the property and 2 alone were partners in the partnership. later 1 of them died and the last one transferred the revenue records to his name. How is this possible?, the only encumbrance in the registrar office is the initial sale deed. There is no release deed registered by any of the co-owners. Who holds the title to the property? whether the last person has a valid title?

Anonymous   13 January 2010 at 10:24

Can a converted land for residential purpose be rented out f

Can a converted land for residential purpose be rented out for holding exhibition.

Aditya R khandelwal   13 January 2010 at 10:24

Living trust...?

whAt iS a livIng trust?

Is it applicable in India?
If it is applicable Can we Sell the Land after transefing to Living trust.

Monica   12 January 2010 at 20:05


This is in reference to my last query made with the same subject.

We have purchased plot which was alloted under a new scheme of residential development in Greater Noida. This plot was alloted to the seller in Novermber and yeaster we have purchased it. The paper work done was only applying for Trasnfer for the plot with the authority along with charges andeverything. The allotment fee is not yet paid in the authority as it is due on 21 Jan 2010.

Is it enough only to apply for transfer of property. We haven't done any sale agreement or POA (irrevocable) or any other paper work.

I was told on this forum to apply to revoke the allotment, how can that be done.

The authority is saying it will take 2-3 weeks to get the Transfer done.

Jatinder Kumar Midha   12 January 2010 at 19:31

Agriculture Land in Gujarat

I want to purchase agriculture land in gujarat. How is it possible.
if i am having agriculture land in rajathan can i purchase agriculture in gujarat. What is the procedure.

Monica   12 January 2010 at 18:11


Yesterdy, we have purchased one plot in Greater Noids, which was alloted by the authority to a diff person. We paid him a premium amount and filed application with the authority for TRASFER OF PROPERTY. Do you think by any chance there can be any kind of problem in trasfer of plot. We have all copies and receipts from the seller and copy of challan submitted.

krishnamohan   12 January 2010 at 16:11

cancell of property

mother has registered at his will not gift whether she can cancell her property and get back to herself by giving 75,000 rs back to his children