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queryking   16 November 2009 at 11:34


please suggest any citatins or provisions of law regarding Unmarked documents cannot be taken into consideration while giving judgment

Anonymous   16 November 2009 at 10:38

Cheque bounce


The refund cheque given by the apartment builder for the cancellation of the booking of the flat has bounced for the reason mentioned as "exceeds arrangement". Please let me know what is the legal action that I can take now.


Anonymous   15 November 2009 at 22:53

defamation suits

before filing a defamation suit i sent a legal notice to the defendants by registered post. but the refuses the notice. what can i do now?

Anonymous   15 November 2009 at 22:38

defamation suits

what provisions for filing a defamation suits(civil) in kerala

Anonymous   15 November 2009 at 21:11

regarding problems lying in maintaining business aethics wit

As two directors have formed a Pvt. Ltd. company and nearly two years have passed no resolution have been passed for deciding the Managing Director how to control or take action against the directors who are not maintaining business aethics in terms of non submission of Govt. liabilities in proper time, making association / joint venture without passing board resolution, inaugaurating laboratories by ministers displaying the name of the Company which is not at all belongs to the company property, the one director is not giving the due importance of company meetings as well as Extra ordinary general meetings and not signing the minutes of meeting which have been resolved in the meeting. What legal options can be taken against the director? Further he is also not maintaining the internal MOU which was framed by creation of two business group. His action are putting the company in problematic conditions and unnecessary liabilities created by the mentioned director which the other director do not want to take. What to do? I am totally confused and really need a help to make the thing in its proper way and to sustain the company even if the other director is out of company, remember its a 50:50 share, kindly help

george   15 November 2009 at 19:22

minor's property

My mother sold in 1990 maternal ancestral property in the capacity as herself and as guardian for me while my father is alive.My father did not sign the deed for us.who can be guadian my father or mother.Then she filed a suit for cancellation of the sale deed for fraud,the case is still pending.Now my question is Whether the period of limitation of 3 years from the date of majority counts from the date of majority or the date of finalisation of that case whih is pending.Kndly advice sir

VIKRAM BALU   15 November 2009 at 19:19

agri debt relief scheme-2008 civil court juriisdiction

Dear Sirs,

can civil courts entertain suits seeking declaration of waiver of loan amount and grant of permenant injunction restricting banks from collecting loan amounts relating to the Agricultural Debt relief scheme-2008 (announced in 2008 budget of central Govt)?

Member (Account Deleted)   15 November 2009 at 19:09

consumer protection

Dear friends,

i am guddoo Yadav,from mumbai. i have many doubts and queries and expects that every one will help me.
i am a college student persuing fybsc through correspondance and working full time due to some financial problem

The reason for help and suggestion is that i have filled a complaint against Reliance Communication in Consumer forum Thane for " Not replacement of Handset within Warranty period" from Reliance gallery by demanding cover box of mobile.

The reliance gallery has given a written statement of not replacement of the mobile without cover box of mobile, while other reliance gallery says that they do the replacement wihtout cover box of mobile.
and they also provided me a written statement of their statements.
when i contact to the customer care of reliance they are not providing me any help . so finally i reach to the consumer forum.
Now this reliance gallery says that they are a telecom operator and the customer is in no way customer of the Opposite party for hand set.

I want to know if the they are not responsible for the replacement of mobile then who's responsible.

i have some question and want to know some rules;
1) Section 7-B of the Indian Telegraph act, 1885. of Supereme court of india.

I hope for guidance about this matter.
pls. help me and
The Case is filled in 2008 and it is more than 1 yrs. but the matter is not solved and the Judges are not deciding even not helping to me.

george   15 November 2009 at 17:39


My grand mother had two properties one house and another land.
She executed one will on 12-11-1993 in respect of house to my favour and another will in respect of land to the favour of my mother on 27-06-1994.I request whther the two will is valid.

kranthi kiran   15 November 2009 at 15:37

Alienation of Property of a missing child

One widow lady looked after a female child and a male child, as if they were adopted daughter and son. Both the children were left at hospital by some unknown persons and as such this lady at different point of times had took them to her house and brought them up. No legal procedure was fillowed by the lady for taking adoption. The deemed adoption of the boy was taken after attainment of the majority by the girl eariler adopted. Later on the marriage of the girl was performed. The lady in the year 1995 has executed two seperate agreements in favour of the girl and minor boy repectively, aleinating her house property equally to the boy and girl. Those two agreements are un-registered agreemtets but they are attested by the notary.
After the death of the lady, the adopted Girl, with a malice intention to grab the entire property, had took the minor boy (aged 12) to a railway station and let him illegally transported by leaving him in a train. The minor boy, who is now aged about 22 Years. had spent all these Years in Kerala State working in hotel as bonded labour. Now the boy at the age of 22 has returned to the Village. His sister (i.e, the lady adopted by his adopted mother) refused to shelter the boy. The lady is refusing to give share in the house. The Other relatives of the adopted mother have recognised the boy and are supproting him. But his sister is denying share in the property and is trying to alienate the property to third parties. Further the lady along with her husband beat the boy and threatened him with dire consequences.

The boy came to me seeking advice. Can he file suit for declaration and recovery of possesion based on the notarised agreement executed by his adopted mother. The relatives of the adopted mother are ready to give evidence regarding adoption and the execution of agreement. But it has been already(4) Years that the boy had attained majority.

Further, now at this pont of time, after a lapse of 10 Years,whether the the boy can file a criminal case for abduction and illegal transportation. In this regard, one more thing I forgot to mention is that, when the boy found missing, way back in the year 1999, a compalaint has been lodged with the police and a FIR had been registered.

Seeking advice of my learned seniors