I am putup at coimbatore,Tamilnadu.Myself ,my one brother and four sisters (6 family members)are going to share our ancestrol propertis,viz.agri lands,as our father and mother are no more,by registering partition deed.we decided to keep the original of the partition deed with the eldest and others to have the copies.Somebody says that the copy document has no value when we go for mortgage for loan etc..Is it correct?If so,then what is the alternate?
Registerig counterpart for eachone will involve more expenses.
Please suggest a suitable solution sothat the copy documents are also have the same validity as that of the original.
Query is regarding my Ancestral Property-
My Grandfather has a land of around 150 Acre and he died around 50 years back, he has 3 sons and my father is the eldest , Now my youngest uncle is planning to sell the whole land without giving any share to my father . My grandmother is alive and my youngest uncle has taken her with him forcebly . Now my youngest uncle and my middle uncle wants to sell the land without giving anyshare to my father.
There was no will created by my Grandfather and papers were created by my youngest uncle as per his wish. Dont exactly know that my grandmother has signed it any where or not she is around 90+ now.
I want to ask that is there any clause in the law which states that my father being the eldest son should have equal share as other two son have on that property.
Please let me know if any query for me to answer..
Please suggest ?
how to get maintenance when i am also working?
Please help me:
I am 29 years old. My husband is working as lecturer and i am also working as a lecturer. He applied for the divorce before 2 years. First he asked to join with me that time i had a major ectopic operation. So i could not able to join with him. So he not pressed and applied for divorce. In the mean time , i got one news about him. He had illegal contact with one lady and he cheated 2 college girls and he blackmailed the girls that he is revealing the softcopies in net. That article came in Junior vikatan. So now i am also want divorce from him. But is there any possibility to take any action regarding that article and can i have maintenance from him?