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Queries Participated

Priyanka   13 July 2008 at 15:42

Devolvement of Property on Death to Heir- Whether Transfer ?

Facts :
A(Husband)& B (wife) are the joint holders of a flat in a Co-operative Hsg. soc. (Mumbai).
A dies, B remains as a single holder. They have 3 daughters, no son.
Now B wants to make 2 daughters (unmarried) out of 3 to become joint owners with her.

Query :
1. Whether such case can be considered a "Transfer", & thus, liable to "Transfer Fees" ?

2. If yes, then how much "Transfer Fees" are liable to pay ?

arun   12 July 2008 at 23:13

land litigation

sir my father purchased a piece of land(withbuilding) with out knowing that it is a litigistic land and the case regarding the owner ship of the property is pending before the court actually the case summary is ... the plaintiff who wants to trouble the defendant put a case in the court claiming that he is the owner of the property but in actual we very well know that the property surely belongs to our seller(defendant).now the case has come up to the stage of an issue what is the meaning of the term "issue" further out the 3 conditions put by the plaintiff restrain the defendant from interfering in the plaintiff peaceful possession confer ownership title on the plaintiff reimburse the amount
clause 1 has been verdicted against the plaintiff does it mean the case is closer to an end
sir pl have a note here that the person (plaintiff ) according to our well known sources is not an owner he simply put the case in 2004 to trouble the seller.further what is the legal position of my father

umesh sawant   05 June 2008 at 22:57

handwriting expart

pls, supply me the names and addreses of handwriting experts to whome i can send the document for comparision of signature through court

V.JAGADEESAN   20 May 2008 at 21:16

land acquisition

Dear Sir,
I bought a plot property Near Orakadam , Sriperubudur sold by a reputed lay out promoter of those period 2 decades ago.
I was given sale deed and also patta issued by Tahsildar. I got a acquisition notice from Tahsildar for industrial acquisition. On verification I was informed that the property alloted to me was on govt land. Hence no compensation. What is gurantee for the people who invest in plots as their life time savings turned to be total waste after 25 years.

Maya Arora   09 May 2008 at 12:54

Distribution of property or making a will

One of my relative a widow is having two sons and three daughters. She is having an immovable property where she reside along with her elder son. Another son is also living seperately at that place. Both sons have good jobs. The source of earning for the widow is rent which she get by letting out a part of property. Now the dispute has been raised by both sons for partition of property. My query is that whether the old lady who is getting no financial or emotional support from her sons is bound to divide the property. If she want to distribute the property among her all childern then what legal step she should take. If the sons do not allow her to give share to her daughters what remedy she is having. If she don't want to distribute the property during her life time, then whether she should make a will and what is the legal validity of that.What legal rights for the married daughters are vested in that self acquired property.

Monish Nilwant   07 May 2008 at 10:25

Evidence Act

Can Some one explain me is there a peovision in the evidence act which says that a 30 year old document is presumed to be valid and it cannot be challenged before the court of law as not being conclusive proof.

kavitha   05 May 2008 at 15:52

regarding citation

is the judgment given by Justice. K. Sambath in 1999 IIICTC 650 is over ruled. tell me how should i find whether any judgement is over ruled.

Julie   03 May 2008 at 22:18

Sale agreement

I have gone into an sale agreement with a person, wherein he had made it out in a language not know to me. I have signed it after some time I did not go for any registration of the sale agreement. I want to know will that sale agreement be valid even thou it is not registered. Can I cancel the same. Please advise.

vinod bansal   30 April 2008 at 22:51


My friend filed a crl case uss 499/500/323/506/34 IPC in the court of CJM and CJM forwarded the complaint to local police station for registration of FIR.But now we have to came to know that accused party had given bribe to the investigating officer and police is likely to submit his final report with their finding that accused persons have found innocent during police investigation and allegation made in complaint of my friend are false.I want to know whether court is bound with the findings in the report of police.what is remedy available to me to protest police report and to continue the complaint.

Rajaram C Iyer   17 April 2008 at 20:59

Abatement of criminal case in case of death of the accussed.

Please indicate the section in Cr.PC or IPC which relates to abatement of criminal case in case of death of the accussed.