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Prem Krishanan   25 June 2009 at 16:55

Section 138 NI Act

Summons is issued aganist me to appear before the Magistrate court for the offence under Section 138 NI Act, do i have to take bail????

NITIN   25 June 2009 at 15:31

Transfer of Property by Co-Owner

Dear Freinds,

Please advice on the transfer of property by co-owner in the Pvt. Ltd. company where the ownner is haveing the eqaul share holding in the company.

1) is the transfer of property is tentamount to sale.

2) is the transfer attract capital gain on property transfered.

3) what will be the rate of statm duty and registration.


Nitin Gangar.


Asha Dayananda   25 June 2009 at 14:51

Daughters right over fathers property with out a will

Dear Sir

I am Asha Dayananda and married during May 1979. My sister got married during June 1988.

My father died during 1989. He left his wife, three sons and two daughters. One of the son is of 1st wife who died long back and others ( 2 sons and 2 daughters) are from the second wife. All the sons and daughters are married.

My father has a property (HOUSE) at Tumkur, Karnataka State, India. This property is self acquired. My father has not made a will. The building has ground and first floor. At present, my younger brother with his family is staying along with my mother. My elder brother with his family is staying in the first floor. The other brother is working and staying at Canada with his family.

My brothers who are staying in the above said house are planning to divide the above said property among them only. They are of the view that the daughters and wife have no rights over the above said property.

Please clarify whether the second wife and daughters have a right/share over the above said property.

What are a daughter’s rights over her father’s self acquired property (house) with out a will ?


Asha Dayananda

krishnarajpr   25 June 2009 at 14:47

Sale of Car parking slots in Apartments

Dear Seniors, I have a querry on sale of Car parking slots by the flat promoters.

When we purchase an undivided share of land in the transaction of purchasing a flat in an apartment, I presume that we are sold an undivided share of land. Like this, all the owners of the flat should be sold some undivided share of the land on which the apartment is being built.

Logically, if we put together all the undivided share of the land sold, it should tally with the whole of extent of land owned by the flat promoter (subject to certain extent of land statutorily left).

At this stage, now let us assume that I need to have a car parking within the premises. Most of the promoters are selling parking slots to the intending owners at some rates fixed by them.

My doubt here is that when the individal owners have purchased the whole of extent of land (of course each one purchasing some undivided share), how come the promoter sell again a place for consideration.

I understand that the calculation of undivided share includes this area where the car parking is alloted.

If my question is correct, would like the seniors to suggest their reply. If my assumption is wrong, then pleae clarify how the undivided share is being calculated in apartments.

Krishnaraj P R
98403 55204

walter   25 June 2009 at 12:56

R I Act

Can we seek information from banks and financial institution about our transaction basing on R I Act?

DHIRENDRA KUMAR RAI   25 June 2009 at 08:55


I have done my LLB from university of allahabad but I have never done any internship. This creates problem in drafting a writ.I accept this forum as my guru please help me by telling the basics of writ drafting.
Your sincerely

Narasimha swamy N   25 June 2009 at 08:22


The property was mortgaged by us and registered with subregistrar.We paid the amount and got morgage papers but failed to get same removed from subregistrar office. Now we lost the paper but we do have the postion of property

Now they are claiming the the mortgage is not released and since time is barred they are claiming the property belongs to them
Even they dont have the orginal Mortgage paper

is there a time limit to get the registration cancellation from Subregistrar
I think even the other party has not claimed any money from us and hence Limitation act also applies to him to claim the money

can you please explain the implicaions of the same

Dakshina Murthy   25 June 2009 at 03:32

Validity of registered WILL

1) Can a (fabricated or forged)unregistered codicil of 1994 superceed a registered WILL of 1992.

2) How can a fabricated or forged codicil be proved as forged in the court of law?

Please advise ..........


srinivasan   24 June 2009 at 20:37

daughter right in partnership business

what is the right of daughter in partnership business of her father. After her father death in 2008 interstate.Which my father and his brothers started as joint family business in 1968.And later my father and two sons redused the partnership. Will the daughter get equal right in the business