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SAM KOSHY   29 June 2008 at 14:45

Registration of society

We would like to register an eduactional society to impart technical & professional education to the public as well as MOU with govt / pvt sectors.

What are the procedures to register such a society. Please inform us more information & list the procedures.



Dheeraaj Siingh   29 June 2008 at 10:19

Judgements on Representation of Cheque and NI act 138

Sir, A cheque was issued to our vendoe on 22nd Aug'06.Cheque got bounced due to insufficient fund. No notice was issued to our company for recovery of the sum. Later when our vendor realised that time is lapsed already for serving notice he again represented the cheque in the month of Oct'06 and claims he has issued notice to our company after that, in support he has submitted one recepit of postal department without any AD in support. Also our company never received any such notice.What's the legal/judicial view under NI act 138 applicability in this case.

Vijay Kumar   28 June 2008 at 23:28

Format of writ under art.32

would you kindly help me by providing the format of writ petition under article 32.

KamalNayanSaxena   28 June 2008 at 23:03

Topup card of mobile

By mistake top up value added to another number. How it can be returned.

rajesh chanda sharma   28 June 2008 at 20:01

Definition of Term "Sister Concern" for Income tax Purpose

In SC verdict in SA Builders case about allowability of interest u/s 36 (1),if fund lended to "Sister concern" in commercial expedency ,So What is "Sister concern" for a partnership firm

Anurag Purohit   28 June 2008 at 12:57

consequence if lawyer stands for & against the same client?

A lawyer already faought a case for part "A" against Party "B", and after 6-7 years he fought against "A" in the same case for "B", and "A" is having proof that lawyer once stands for him then in such case what is the right with "A" and what is the consequences for "A"

Pawan Joshi   28 June 2008 at 11:00

ESI Notice

Dear Friends,

I was a Managing Partner in a Firm for 2 Years 6 Months and during my tenure ESI audit was conducted and they raised some demand on the firm. After that I retired from the Partnership thru Retirment deed.After 3 years now ESI has summoned me for claring up the demand. I have not submiited the retirment deed to ESI department till date.

In the Partnership firm we were 3 Partners.Firms is still alve though there is no business activity exist.

How I can free my self from this demand.

manu saxena   28 June 2008 at 07:54

power of attorney

who is reponsible for non registration of power of atttorney, whether it is owner of property or poa holder.

chandan   27 June 2008 at 23:22

legal debt u/s 138 N.I.Act

loan above 20,000/- given in cash is prohibated in income tax act & whether loan amount above 20,000/- given in cash is legally recoverable debt u/s 138 N.I.Act, pls. also quote relevent case laws.

chandan   27 June 2008 at 23:15

legaiiy recovery debt u/s 138 N.I. ACT

Is unaccounted money (black money)which is not shown in income tsx returns & is given as loan is a lagally recoverable debt u/s 138 N.I.Act?