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sree   12 July 2008 at 10:16

Regarding section 194A of ITA

whether TDS should be deductible for inrest paid on compensation awarded by workmen compensation Act

subodh   11 July 2008 at 22:42

Parttnership Bank Account Freezed by Bank on request of one partner .

Parntership Firm is having three partners. The bank accounts are to be operated by the signature of any two partners jointly as per partnership deed clause. One partner writes to banks mentioning that their is some misunderstanding and requests to stop account operations. The banks immediately freezes the accounts, accepts the deposits of cheques but dishonors the issued cheques with the signature of two partners. The bank intimates the other two partners after lapse of 3, 4, days period. The partner who writes to bank do not intimate the other partners.

Under the circumstances whether bank has acted correctly?

Will the firm be liable for 138 acion?

What is the legal remedy?

varadha   11 July 2008 at 21:40


sir,sec2(s)of indian labour law defines that a labour may get work on the following category
(3)skilled or unskilled
If a person comes under any one of the following descrition work mode than the person should be termed as a labour.But on the part of supervisor there is a provision that a person who gets a salary of more than Rs.1600/month as a salary means then the person didn't comes under the term labour.By keeping this salary slab supervisors are likely affected due to thIS provision.Nowadays no one get the salary of Rs.1600(it is quiet low).But whats the reason for keeping this salary slab?But on other five category there is no salary provision,

varadha   11 July 2008 at 21:35


sir,sec2(s)of indian labour law defines that a labour may get work on the following category
(3)skilled or unskilled
If a person comes under any one of the following descrition work mode than the person should be termed as a labour.But on the part of supervisor there is a provision that a person who gets a salary of more than Rs.1600/month as a salary means then the person didn't comes under the term labour.By keeping this salary slab supervisors are likely affected due to thIS provision.Nowadays no one get the salary of Rs.1600(it is quiet low).But whats the reason for keeping this salary slab?

mukesh   11 July 2008 at 18:49


I was working in a multinational company for +14 years. I was issued termination on 21 April 2008 on the reason that I had refused to accept deputation.

Till time I have not received provident fund, LTA amount and compensation amount.

Please advice me how to approach court for the justice and the attorney firm which are specialised in industrial law with reference to termination.

rajagopal KP   11 July 2008 at 18:10

opening a sex toys shop at bangalore cily

My known people are planning to open a sex toys shop at bangalore city. Is it possible? Or any legal problem is there? if legally this is possible, what are the procedures they have to follow?

ramkrishna das   11 July 2008 at 17:31

Membership of Bar Council

Dear all

Is it necessary to get "SANAD' given by the Bar Council of State after getting enrolled with, to profess as an advocate .

and How it is obtained?


ROHIT   11 July 2008 at 14:26

about demand drafts

i prepared a some demand draft from my savings a/c in dec 2006 in favour of a govt authority, but i never submitted to them as the reason for which it was made got dissolved. now after one and a half year i got all of them cancelled except one . this one bank is asking for a discharge letter from the said govt authority , now when they have not accepted it how can they issue a discharge letter.should i go to consumer courts or cancell this draft...can a bank refuse like that ..for my own money ....should i go to consumer court

Sanjay Sharma   11 July 2008 at 14:23

Duty Payment on “Automobile Accessories and Procedure thereof “

We manufacturing Tractors for agriculture purpose as well as supplying the Tractor Parts to our customers from our Spare Parts Division situated in the same premises on one registration no. in Central Excise Department from 1st June-06 under cover the notification No. 14/2008-C.E.(N.T.), dated 1.03.08. Tractor is exempted for the payment of Excise duty and the “Parts, components and assemblies of any automobiles “are liable to pay the duty.

For the fulfillment of purpose of supplying the ‘Spare Parts of Tractor’ to the customers, we procure the material from the supplier’s in our “Spare Parts Division” those who are supplying the material to our Tractor Manufacturing Plant also and sale those parts to customer after availing the Excise duty credit paid on them through our Dealers and Stockiest after discharging the Excise duty on the basis of MRP declared under cove the above said notification and The Standards of Weight & Measures (Packaged commodity )Rules, 1977.

Most of all suppliers are discharging the Excise duty on their Transaction Value and declaring the same time on the Invoice “ Exclusively for Industrial use as raw material “ and some of them are on the MRP.

Some times we procure the material from the suppliers those who are not registered with Central Excise Department or may be they are availing the SSI exemption, means ( they not charge the duty while supplying to us).

My Query is –
1.Can we clear the parts purchased (without availing the duty credit) without charging the Excise duty to our customers? or,
2.Being deemed manufacturer ultimately we have to discharge the duty or not.
3.In case of suppliers who are discharging the duty at their end on the basis of MRP on their own, can we break the MRP label and fix our MRP?.
4.Those who are discharging the duty on transaction value at their end, are they doing the right practice or what should they do ?.
5.Is the Tractor Accessories are exempted for the payment of excise duty as per the above mentioned notification?.


What is the right procedure, we can follow ?

Dear All, Experienced

Pls. Clarify, it would be great help to us.

Sanjay Sharma

K.S.CHAHAL   11 July 2008 at 09:23

anticepitary bail

sir my client allready on bail in 324,325 ipc police has add 326ipc in same case we can got anticepitary bail in this case which authority can aviable tell me