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Soumyaranjan Beura   26 September 2018 at 21:59

A landlord dies without no legal heir and relatives

Dear Sir,
If a landowner dies without any relative and legal heir. then who is the owner of his property. that landowner has no will. neighter any relative nor any onyone.

Abhinav kumar   26 September 2018 at 20:50

Mutation of property

I have purchased property in Munger (Bihar) in 2007 through power of attorney. Now I want to do Mutation of property but register office is asking for the copy of power of attorney and property bill. Since I left Bihar in 2009 and shifted to another state now I want to sell my property but before selling I got to know Mutation of the property is needed. Now I don't know the person who sold me property he left somewhere or shifted to the unknown place which is not traceable. I want to know how to do mutation of property if the copy of the power of attorney is not available. Please help me.

Anonymous   26 September 2018 at 20:22

Resigned in probation period

Dear all,
I have joined a finance company 17 September 18 . Sign all documents with 2 no of blank sign cheque .I am resigned 26 Sept 18 . That finance company norms is 90 days probation period but offer another company . But my manager told me served 90 days probation period & achieving target then resigned if not served probation period. Company doing effect cibil & mail all HR site my cibil .What is doing
Pls suggest me
Thanks & Regards
S Kumar

Anonymous   26 September 2018 at 19:50

Live in Relationship

2 month ago i met girl. After few days we started live in relationship.
After some days she insisted me to marry with her but due to my family problem i asked time from her but after she again insisted to marry and when i asked her some time she gone in police station and gave complained against me. And forced to marry with her.
In this she tourture me alot and blackmailed me that if you dont marry with me then i will file case of 376 aginst you.
Please help me i never accepted this from that girl everything is in mutual concent

Anonymous   26 September 2018 at 18:11

Partnership forgery

A,B,C,D,E,F,G&H constituted a firm in 2005, H was studying at that time , husbands of A,B&C decided to make them working partners of firm , also where in D was the actual partner signed according to deed & D also happens to be husband of A. They forged one of the stamp papers of deed and made A, B,C as working partners of firm.
In course of years D being the man behind controlling firm gave unlawful salaries to first relations of B,C,E,F&G and decresaed the capital account of the firm.
H came to know all of this after 13 years after he finished his studies and when he started questioning none responded, also H has 5% partnership in the firm.
So H wants to plea in court but can�t as firm is unregistered. Now all partners except H want to sell of the property and firm so is there a possibility that he can get an injunction from court.
Are there any irreparable damages on which such an injunction can be sought.

Sonal Dumbre   26 September 2018 at 17:45

Socirty letter for passport verification

I am leaving as tenant from Last 9 yrs in same complex, now I required Society letter for passport police verification but Secretory denied with statement that they are not going to provide letter for tenant its aganist their society policy, Is there any such type of rule ? Please guide me how to deal with it.

Subrat Jain   26 September 2018 at 16:40


Sir my mother expired in 2014 and we are three siblings. Now we have obtains a legal heir certifiacte from the "Oop jila adhikari" in ghaziabad but that certificate states that the certificate is not valid for any transaction having value more than 5000.00 so what should i do for the transferring the property in the name of all three of us.

Anonymous   26 September 2018 at 15:58

Employee harassing employer by filing legal cases to extort

Hi All

Following is the sample case:
1. Employer terminates employee by giving one month pay in lieu of notice.
2. Employee does not sign the declaration as per company policy as he does not agree with the final amount
3. Employee does not collect payment in spite of repeat reminders for almost a year on the premise that he has a dispute as to the payment amount and that signing the declaration will curtail him from pursuing the case legally
4. Almost a year later the employee files criminal case against senior staff and company
5. Employee demands three times the amount entitled verbally to withdraw case wherein he alleges wrongful termination and criminal intimidation
6. Employer is feeling harassed as the employee does not accept money and he is making frivolous charges making all sorts of allegation: wrongful termination, cheating, criminal intimidation.

The employee is hell bent in extorting money and will not stop filing cases. The employer losing money on unnecessary litigation and is mentally harassed as there is no reason why excess payment needs to be done.

The employee has verbally requested for almost three times the money he was entitled to in case the criminal case needs be dropped. There is no proof of this verbal discussion. The employer is not willing to give more than what is due. Under what sections is there a possibility of the employer suing the employee for criminal intimidation, extortion and harassment.

Anonymous   26 September 2018 at 15:14

Employee filing frivolous cases to extort money

Hi there!

In case an employee whose services have been terminated refuses to sign the declaration of receipt of final settlement as per policy and accept full and final settlement amount and then later on starts filing criminal charges against company officials to extort three times the money he was legally entitled to get and makes false allegations. Can the employer sue the employee for criminal intimidation and extortion

Anonymous   26 September 2018 at 13:55


I�m a land lord . One of my EB connection service name is in the tenenant name. Will it be an issue. I�m trying to change it in my name. Please advise