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R.Manivasagan   19 October 2009 at 21:41

CPC ORder 33 Rule 15 & 15A

Sirs, is there any latest Judgements in Order 33 Rule 15 and 15 A of Code of Civil Procedure. pls

gurcharn goyal   19 October 2009 at 21:22

Judgement related to Sec-8 of HMG Act-1956

if a natural mother wants to sell the share of his minor son(inherited from his deceased father)than court can give the permission to the mother for sell the property of the minor son under section 8 of the hindu minority and guardianship Act. Can you please give me the name of the judgments in favour of the mother.

srinivasan   19 October 2009 at 20:45

Hindu woman/daughter right in partnership property

1.what is the right of hindu women/daughter in partnership property/firm, whear father and son's are partners.Father dier with out will. 2.The partnership firm is with the family members alown,my father had invested a huge amountof funds from sale joint family partnership property with his brothers sisters/daughter's have issued leagle notice claiming equale rightr in the partnership firm. 4.since my father has blended his saperate income in the partnership firm they clime it as jiont family buiseness.My query is will the daughter get equal rights in partnership firm?

pramod   19 October 2009 at 19:25


i have just filed for divorce after she filed a police complaint against me asking me to give her a power of attorney for a flat & also claiming sex abuse of my kids. i filed for divorce under mental cruelity after 13 years of marriage. Can she file sec 498A against me & mom, sis & bro? what do i do to prevert this / overcome this? She has a personality disorder & mostly she may do this??

Please advise ASAP??

K K VERMA   19 October 2009 at 19:14

After expiry of leave and License the Licensee does not vaca

Leave and Licence Agreement was for 11 months. Amonth's notice was given to the Licensee, He has not vacated the premises and is trespassing for last 3 months. What action do you all recommend. I am not a lawyer.

Rajeev Ranjan   19 October 2009 at 18:45

judicial review of constituent assembly actions.....


vikram choudhry   19 October 2009 at 18:44

Anticipatary bail

Dear sir im vikram from chennai and wrking as a software engineer,my native s a village which s around 400 kms frm here. there has been a false case filed against me in my native before two weeks by the local police in non-bailable sections.this was due to the clash between two groups in my village..the opposite party has included my name also in complaint actually i was 400 kms away 4m the spot.when the incident happened.can i move for anticipatary bail in high court chennai nw pls

Ramkumar R Daga   19 October 2009 at 18:21

Pre closure charges on Home Loans charged by Banks.

Are you aware that there is a Supreme Court order dismissing a Special Leave Petition filed by a Bank against the refund it had to give its client fo such pre payment charges. The Hon Supreme Court observed after hearing both the petitioners that it would not interfere against the order to refund the preclosure charges against the Bank.
In another order a Bank has been asked to refund Rs 64,80,000/- (Yes Rs 64.80 lakhs) collected as pre closure charges from a party WITH Interest till the date of refund of the amount.
My query to the Appellate Authority of Reserve Bank of India, Smt Usha Thorat, in an appeal filed by me, under the RTI Act along with a copy of the Hon Supreme Court order and the directive by the Reserve Bank of India keeping this order in mind is yet pending reply. This appeal was filed about 15-20 days ago. Original query under RTI was filed in August.

Rajeev Ranjan   19 October 2009 at 16:41

judicial review of constituent assembly actions.....


Sachin Bhatia   19 October 2009 at 15:16


Ques:Coercion is defined in which section of the Indian Contract Act?
Ans: Section 15

Ques:Undue influence is defined in which section of the Indian Contract Act
Ans: Section 16

Ques: Consent is defined in
Ans: Section 13

Ques: Free consent is defined in
Ans: Section 14

Ques: Misrepresentation defined in
Ans: Section 18

Ques: Fraud defined in
Ans: Section 17

Ques: When the consent of a party to the contract has been obtained by fraud, in such a case the contract is
Ans: Voidable

Ques: A contract to do or not to do something, if some event collateral to such contract does or does not happen” is called
Ans: Contingent contract

Ques:Novation is defined in
Ans: section 62

Ques: Misrepresentation means
Ans: Causing advantage to a person not a party to the contract

Ques: What is meant by ‘Court of Record’?
Ans: The court that can punish for its contempt

Ques: The sanctioned strength of the Supreme Court of India including the Chief Justice of India is
Ans: 26

* In Golak nath case Supreme Court held that Parliament cannot amend the fundamental right

Ques: Dispute regarding the election of Vice President is decided by
Ans: Supreme Court

Ques:The authority to restrict or extends the jurisdiction of the state of High Court rests with
Ans: Governor

Ques: The final authority to interpret the constitution
Ans: Supreme court

Ques: Name the head of a religious math in Kerala who filed a writ petition before the Supreme Court challenging the validity of 24th, 25th and 29th amendments
Ans: Kesavanda Barathi