Is domicile certificate is important to make a caste a certificate for central jobs.
I have domicile certificate for study purpose will it be accepted.
Is is necessary to inform my Employer whenever i go to Court as i am facing some criminal private complaints.
Or I should take leave for that specific day whenever i go for court proceedings?
My case dismissed by CDRF and state commission ,now RP filed in NCRDC.if dismisses what should i do?
What is IA/----/2015 ?(by NCDRC)
Sir in a summary suit u/o 37 CPC filed by me the defendant was served on 21 12 2015 and and Judge was on leave since then and the court was opened on 28 12 2015.Now the ten days period of appearing the defendant will start from his date of service or from the date of court opened?
Dear Sir
I am running a Institute. I want registered it. Please confirm how i registered.
Dear Sir
i m working with a limited company.bonus act 2015(Change)apply from april 2014,my salary 17750 Per Month.but company does not provide me Bonus.please suggest me.what to do
What can be done if the managing committee denies to abide by the AGM decisions or Model Bye Laws for housing societies?
happy new year 2016 to all LCI experts and members.
How to initiate re-audit of society accounts?
what is the difference between re-investigation and further investigation in legal terms ?