Cancellation of registered Sale Deed
satendra sinha
(Querist) 16 December 2009
This query is : Resolved
Sir, I had executed a sale deed in Favour of Shri Mukherjee,this was done by misleading me to belive that an agreement to sale is being registered where as he actually registered a sale deed, I came to know about this after 15 days,I approached the party but the party assured me that all due payments will be issued to me in 90 days time but nothing has come out.Now I want to cancell the sale deed,Please guide.
Thank you.
Satendra Sinha
(Expert) 16 December 2009
You can not unilaterally cancel the sale deed. You have approach the court for cancellation of any registered instrument for valid and acceptable reasons.
Murtaza Chherawala
(Expert) 22 December 2009
I agree with Advocate N Ramesh. You must approach the Courts for cancellation of the Sale Deed, if your payments are not received in time. In the meanwhile, do not hand over possession of the property to the Purchaser.
satendra sinha
(Querist) 22 December 2009
Thanks a lot Mr.Murtaza Chherwala for your guidance.