Challenging the compromise deal!

Querist :
(Querist) 18 December 2011
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts !
My father enretred in to a compromise deal in a land case in HIGH court in the year 1999 ( Recently the property came to me through his WILL,on perusal i found he was misgudied by his adviser/ Gpa. As per my thinking or Adocate, whom i have consulted; the case is strong one to fight,would not have compromised with the litigant). Can i do any thing to reopen the case, for fresh fight. The above property ( LAND)is still not divide as per compromise, and is intact because of some other reasons.
Please kindly GUIDE me with your advice.
Thanking you ALL in advance.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 18 December 2011
Unless you succeed in proving that the consent to compromise was obtained by other side by some coercion, misrepresentation fraud,or undue influence or it is result of impersonation for which the other party kept silent so that its'illegality may not be revealed on your father to keep him deprived of the factual situation,there is no hope that you would be able to succeed.When you consulted a lawyer on merit of the case you must have consulted also on the point how to challenge the compromise on which his view being negative is the reason of your visit here.

Querist :
(Querist) 19 December 2011
Dear Prabhakar singh ji,
Thankyou very much for your detailed reply.This case is almost fits in to the circumstances you have dicussed/detailed.Once again i profusely THANK YOU for the intant reply.