Christian widow senior citizen woman 66year-need will origin

(Querist) 23 September 2021
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir/madam
Hi, I am A Christian widow senior citizen woman 66year. Earning by husband pension of 1.44L yearly. having 2 children Son and a daughter.
There is an old house which was built by my husband long year ago, and it is ancestral property.
My Husband died very long time ago after writing (I was present) a WILL That (all rights on all belonging goes to my Wife only, No one shall shave any rights on my belongings. I have got the certified copy of my husband WILL from registrar office) and the property is still in his name. After his death the house was occupied by me.
After my son marriage he started abusing psychologically & monetarily to me for not transferring the property into his name. My daughter was denying not to send at Ashrama, but he did not listen to her. He forcibly put me into a mental hospital for my unknow treatment and snatched house key from me at hospital. And grabbed all original property document, REGISTERED WILL of my husband, money, Gold, household items, Pension doc, ATM, furniture everything.
My situation become worsen and was feeling like I am slowly being killed. I told my daughter and she saved me, even after my return I was continuing my conversation with my Son and stayed as well with his wife and children. During stay I again noticed the same, asking for property division, and a small share to daughter. Multiple mental torture and problem, restarted. This time I decided to stay with my daughter.
As I have no place to stay, I asked him to make the house how it was before and get me everything what you have taken.
He denied and filed a case and court has order interim stay order on that property. And I am sked to visit court, Feeling like Either way am being killed here as well, Only my Moral support is my daughter.
I went to Police and filled a complaint, during interrogation, Police were supporting my Son, as he denied and says I do not have WILL, he never saw that, and father was not in position to make any WILL. Which is completely lie. He also shown me during my stay with him.
I noticed Police is being influenced by something.
I repeatedly asked police to file FIR of theft and hep to retrieve the document, also Spoke to DSP, He mention we need court order to file FIR in this case. PI denied and forced me to sign on his statement, that I am agreeing what son mentioned. I did not Sign.
I would like your expert suggestion the kind of actions, I should take, that would not be met with a challenge at this age 66Y, from him & allow police to retrieve all grabbed item from my old house, WILL is must.
He has plenty of money to buy the best lawyer. And influence people/authorities.
Here are my questions & what I want to accomplish. I would be very grateful to a team of very able advocates on this forum to suggest necessary steps at this moment keeping in mind my age(66 Year, Widow) and no one around me except my daughter.
(1) I want my husband Original WILL back immediately. and all property document from him, (Police is not supportive)
(2) How can I terminate interim stay order?
(3) Considering my income and age, I am not able to spend much on lawyer nor influence people,
Only my daughter is helping, even she has her own life.
(4) Is there a statue in Indian law that would protect a Senior citizen like me & expedite my case?
(Expert) 23 September 2021
Under the Senior Citizens' Welfare Act, you can file a case against your son by consulting a local lawyer.
P. Venu
(Expert) 24 September 2021
You may seek protection under the Senior Citizens's Act or the Domestic Violence Act.
Pradipta Nath
(Expert) 25 September 2021
Please arrange money to engage an prudent lawyer as your case needs immediate activity and not mere beating around the bush.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 10 January 2023
Most likely you have not much money. Please approach legal aid cell of your district.
You have a cause to move under Sr Citizen Act as advised above.
Does you city have Sr Citizen forum?
Further you said that will was registered. You can get certified copy from registrar office.