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Community certificate of child

(Querist) 13 February 2013 This query is : Resolved 

In a case, community of husband is BACKWARD and his wife is from "Most Backward community. fortunately or unfortunately, wife took divorce and child is in her custody. After divorce, wife has applied for community certificate for child claiming MOST BACKWARD (I.E COMMUNITY OF MOTHER) without revealing fathers community and wife was signatory to the appln filed for minor child..... this happend without knowledge of husband, now husband has got this info thro RTI APPLn,, Questions are as below:

1. Legally, should follow community of father or its mother? irrespective of status of dad & mom...

2. Father feels that child's education /job may be affected if this mistake by wife is not corrected at this stage itself...father doesnt want the child to avail better reservation chances by telling wrong info...if at all community of father is to be followed as per law...
3.What action could be legally taken against wife who made false statement by hiding the community of dad of child?
4. any other views/suggestions pls

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 14 February 2013
1. Father.

2. This is very good idea.

3. Such correction should be got effected in the relevant record of the institution.

The matter of taking action against wife depends upon the mentality of her husband.
RAMJI (Querist) 14 February 2013

Thank you sir...
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 17 February 2013
Most welcome Ramji for your appreciation.

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