Dismal of employee from his job
(Querist) 06 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
that the employee is working as cook in the society, who runs educational school and enquiry was initatied against him with alleged incident of theft but no FIR or NC was loadged against him in the police station still the society arbitrality remove him from his job in mumbai.
which is the proper forum or court for filling appeal against dismisal from job
whether the appeal can be made at school tribunal
i want to know what is proper forum or court for filling appeal against dissmisal order.
(Expert) 06 July 2016
First file an appeal before the higher authority to your officer who dismissed you with sufficient reasons and if possible with material you have. if the appeal is rejected by that higher authority, then take steps to move to the court.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 07 July 2016
Cook is probably terminated and not dismissed by society that employed the cook.
You have not posted if any SCN was issued and domestic inquiry conducted and speaking order was passed.
If the order is bad then you may lodge complaint with O/O Labor Commissioner, Inspector under Bombay Shops & Estbs Act
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 07 July 2016
Repeated Query;
Engage an able counsel.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 07 July 2016
Repeated query.