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Divorce on cruelty

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 29 November 2010 This query is : Resolved 
My husband is a pervert and once I caught him watching porn. I was unhappy with my marriage from day one as it was done against my wishes and now after all this kind of mental torture from him and his family , i want to end this relationship and move with my ex boy friend.Can above mentioned reason be enough reason for mental torture and divorce. My husband wants to reconcile and lead a normal life..but I hate him as he has been very adamant and bully before.How to get a divorce without his agreement. How long will it take ?
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 30 November 2010
Watchin porn is no cruelty. If you were not ready for marriage then you should not marry this man at the very first place and now as you have marriied him it would be better for you if you forget your ex boy-friend.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 30 November 2010
When you were not ready to marry with you could have told your elders.
Porn move watching is not a cruelty.
Regarding what mental cruelty your husband's family members are giving is not clear, just word mental cruelty does not create a good ground for divorce.
s.subramanian (Expert) 30 November 2010
If watching porn movie could be termed cruelty,the family courts would be flooded with thousands of applications for divorce on this ground. I agree with the experts.
Suresh Babu Rai (Expert) 30 November 2010
Yes Sir Exactly! and dear Mam ! You would have married your boy frined at first by narrating all these to your elders or seeking help of police (majors). It is quite and common in our society(love stories) as a Indian, pls forget all the past and be amicable with your husbund, if it is possible pls take your husbund for counselling with better medical aid, even though watching po..sites is not a crime as per law, it is his private life, does not comes comes under the meaning of cruelty. How many children you blessed with ? Thind about them or their future !
Aniket Giri (Expert) 30 November 2010
Kirti Kar Tripathi (Expert) 30 November 2010
yes, i do agree with experts.
Arun Kumar Bhagat (Expert) 05 December 2010
Well advised by all. Real problem arises when someone compares her or his former or ex with the present one.

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