Dubai's income where to present in itr
CA Vaibhavi Jhaveri
(Querist) 21 May 2012
This query is : Resolved
My friend is non-resident. He is residing in Dubai. He is earning salary income there. So his dubai's salary income will not be taxable in India. As it is not accrue or airs in INDIA. But still he wants to show it in return of income (ITR) for the purpose of getting loan. ITR 1 is applicable to him. So now my query is in ITR 1 where can he show his dubai's income.
There is no row or column in ITR 1 by which he can present his dubai's income.
Suhail A.Siddiqui
(Expert) 21 May 2012
In case u have Dubai Income, form N0. 1 will not applicable. In filling NRI, lot of study required u may contact to your local expert or feel free to contact
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 21 May 2012
Righty stated.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 22 May 2012
When you client is employed out side india is residing outside india, what are other sources of his income requiring him to file his return of income. In case he resident indian, his all global incomes are chargeable to tax, and in case he is non-resident there is no need to file his return of income.