Rishi Ahuja
(Querist) 11 September 2009
This query is : Resolved
Respected sir,
I want you advice in dv when honable court has pass the order it was verbal and now the hon'ble judge is took over the duties of othger wing because of his promotion.
and in the order kof that day it is mention that "due to the heavy rush order could not bde passed". now if the other party refused to comply the direction given by the hon'ble court. Is there any way that other party comply the order.
Kindly give me your valuable advice.
with kind regardsriven
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 12 September 2009
Oral direction and written court proceedings are contradictory. Only and only written order/proceeding is the part of court file hence in the circumstances mentioned above, you cannt force your opposite party to follow the direction given in oral order. Lead fresh argument and obtain fresh judgement from new judge.riven
(Expert) 13 September 2009
Mr.Makkad has rightly explained the issue and I endorse the same.riven