evidence act
ankit gupta
(Querist) 31 August 2008
This query is : Resolved
can anyone give me the meaning of evidence and its relation with other substantive and procedural laws in form of quotations under the english law or as quoted by the supreme court.
please provide in context to the latest information.
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 01 September 2008
Ankit u need a full research work......
would like to humbly advice u take some book on evidence law by Universal publications.
(Expert) 01 September 2008
the word evidence is defined in Section3 of the Evidence Act as follows:
'Evidence' means and includes-
1) all the staments which the court premits or requires to be made before it by witnesses, in realtions to matters of fact under inquiry, such statements are called oral evidence:
2) all docuemtns including ' electronic record' produced for the inspection of the court'(electronic record is introduced by the information technology Act
9Act 21 of 2000-central) amending the evidence Act) such docuemnts are called docuemtnary evidence.
video conferencing is a electronic record read AIR 2003 SC 2053
under the evidence Act, evidence can be classified into 3 categories:
1) oral evidence
2) Documentary evidence as per the definition of section 3(2)
3) Electronic record