Alimony & child maintenance
Mrunmai Deshpande
(Querist) 02 March 2013
This query is : Resolved
I am a married woman of 33 years of age with a son of 2 years. I am married for last 7 years. My husband doesn’t work anywhere consistently. He leaves the job for flimsy reasons, doesn’t do anything for few months, then finds a job, leaves that too in few months and so on. Due to this we had to stay with his parents who used to support our expenses. I got fed up and left him 2 years back and now staying with my parents. I am currently working and earning around Rs8000/-pm. My husband is insisting for divorce since I do not want to stay with him. As he does not work for almost half of the time, I doubt whether he can be able to give me child maintenance and alimony, even if the Court directs him. My husband is 36 years of age and, hence, at times does not get selected for job due to overage. When he gets the job he earns around Rs10000/- pm in hand. Please advice me what should I do ?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 02 March 2013
go for divorce by mutual consent . if you want to save your marriage because of your young son then go and stay with him
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 02 March 2013
I think the value of the married life should not be weighted with coins of your husband if he has no other bad habit or if he loves and cares for both of you. It is seen that a bad time don't permit even a successful person to perform well but time gets change.
You are earning hand and your husband can also earn something which may run the wheels of your married life sufficient for the present time and do try to permanently settle your husband in any private job.
Divorce is not a solution to the life.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 02 March 2013
Join your husband and let life move on.
Rajeev Kumar
(Expert) 02 March 2013
The valuable married life can't be counted with rupees. So let join the married life.