Buying property in uttrakhand
Mayank Mudgal
(Querist) 18 June 2012
This query is : Resolved
Respected all,
i want to purchase a land in uttrakhand, land is situated outer limit of nagar palika or lets say is an agriculture land then what are the ways to buy that land even when i know:
-outsider cannot purchase more the 250 Sq. Mtr of land situated outer of nagar palika limit
-neither i have agriculture land in my name before 2002
Further can a resident purchase more than this limit e.g 250 sq. mtr.?
Please give your valuable advise..
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 19 June 2012
You can not buy the land as an outsider.
Shonee Kapoor
Mayank Mudgal
(Querist) 19 June 2012
Thanks Sir, i am clear about that i cannot buy Land as an outsider but can i buy land as a resident person?
Further i heard about the section 143 and 147 of UPZALR Act i think 143 deals with the approval of DM/SDM by which all the restrictions caste by the said act ceases and about 147 i am not sure but somehow it deals with population criteria.
Please correct and update me.