Invitation of willingness to divorce by mutual consent

Querist :
(Querist) 09 October 2011
This query is : Resolved
Since 2006,we are failed 7times to live together in spite of several conciliation among both family.last she left d house on feb2011.our two children are with me for their study.she is being quite different in manner it proper to serve a legal notice to her by d subject "INVITATION OF WILLINGNESS TO DIVORCE BY MUTUAL CONSENT AS PER 13B OF T.H.M.A1955. TO AVOID UNEASY CIRCUMSTANCES FOR BOTH DURING THE COURSE OF TRIAL.OR suggest d manner for d purpose.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 09 October 2011
you can do so stating the situations that have been running in past.
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 09 October 2011
well if the things have gone beyond control then its better to seek divorce, no doubt if it is done by mutual consent then it is the most peaceful way.
rather than serving her with any legal notice, it will be better to involve your relatives or some close friend to settle the matter.
Adv. Biju Gopal
(Expert) 09 October 2011
You may engage a mediator and start talks with her to settle the entire problems.
Adv. Biju Gopal
Adv. Biju Gopal
(Expert) 09 October 2011
You may engage a mediator and start talks with her to settle the entire problems.
Adv. Biju Gopal

Querist :
(Querist) 09 October 2011
Her intention is not 2 divorce,but left me on trouble socially,physically,mentaly.she wants 2 live separate without divorce.I have also not a paise of interest 2live wt her.she gave me torture of so....& advice d procedure to b adopted in such a case.two child of 14 & 9 with me, stidying in d most renowned school of d state.they r quite good academically, with me & without her.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 09 October 2011
There can be no invitation for divorce.
As Ld. Biju Gopal has advised, engage a mediator to come out of this mess by making him talk to her and her family.
Shonee Kapoor