Judgments on perjury cases - suo moto action by civil judge
(Querist) 01 August 2012
This query is : Resolved
My Opponent had first filed a criminal case against me before Metro. Magistrate's court under section 145 Cr. pc. wherein he falsely claimed his being in physical possession of my residential flat. After six months, he filed a Civil Suit against me, wherein he has stated that he was never holding the possession of the Flat, but claimed his share in the value of the Flat. I want to bring this contradictions to the notice of both the courts and I want to request both the courts to take suo-moto action for perjury against my opponent for making false and contradictory claims in two seperate courts for same subject, knowingly and under oath. Can I have few judgments by High Courts or Supreme Court in this respect?
R Trivedi
(Expert) 02 August 2012
Highlight this contradiction first to the court to get out of at least the criminal case. Your right of requesting or pointing out to the court for initiating perjury on him will remain, and use it at suitable time.