Law after engineering

Querist :
(Querist) 27 September 2018
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir/Madam,
Hi , I have completed B.E (mechanical) and have 2 years experience as NPD engineer currently my age is 25. My parents are wishing me also to do law.At present i am working in Coimbatore. I need to know various law streams and its use , work area, scope and judiciary exams.My sister also Studying her LLB second year. is it good to study law for 2 persons from the same home?.Any suggestions. Please guide me. My personnel mail id:
(Expert) 27 September 2018
Dear Sir,
Any graduate can do 3 years law course and in near future it may be abolished in view of 5 years law course. It is better to join at this stage only and in some colleges in Bengaluru City the attendances is not compulsory. The judicially post will be given on the basis of competitive examinations. The minimum qualification to appear such judge postings is passing of LLB. The practicing in law requires minimum 5-6 years to be well versed with different laws.
I could have explained more if background is known to me. I am at your service if you visit my office.
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Querist :
(Querist) 27 September 2018
Dear sir,
Thanks for the valuable Feedback.
You are telling me that don't leave job Do the course simultaneously.

(Expert) 27 September 2018
Dear Mr.Kishan Dutt Ji I humbly request your good self to Justify your Statement that " Attendance is Not Compulsory in Bengaluru Law Colleges Please "

(Expert) 28 September 2018
Good or bad are only personal perceptions, based on personal needs or the experience in life of an individual. You have to apply your own wisdom, whether to do law or not, when your sister is already in for the course.