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Law against harassment & infringement of privacy of a woman

(Querist) 21 November 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Respected, Experts
What to do if a guy mis-represent some personal facts of a woman over telephone, WhatsApp group, through FB post? He is spreading rumours, threaten to suicide, threatening to making harm to the woman and her reputation. When that woman tried to protest him, Publicly He is also creating a bad reputation of her, giving false allegations, harassing every where. His friends are also involved in this matter. Please, advice, how to stop all these nonsense? The woman has all the evidences against him like voice recordings, messages, the fb n WhatsApp post. And what can be his defender to prove himself right. Thank you all in advance.
Adv. Yogen Kakade (Expert) 22 November 2016
Contact the nearest police station at the earliest.
rajeev sharma (Expert) 22 November 2016
Ahana Majumdar (Querist) 22 November 2016
Hello, exparts,
That woman warned him that she will take lagal step. But after that the guy became more harmful for her and threatened that No police, No law can protest him but surly he will make harm to her career, life and future. And he is doing so. She can not get local help legally. Now what to do?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 22 November 2016
Agreed with experts.

She can consult her own local counsel.

Consulting is not litigation.

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 22 November 2016
Do not bow before his threats.

Lodge police complaint.

He may prove more violent if kept mum against his acts / misdeeds.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 22 November 2016
What way you are related this query?
Ahana Majumdar (Querist) 22 November 2016
Hello, Expert,
Because, that woman is my own sister and that guy has crossed all the limits of tolerance. And we tried a lot to stop all these nonsenses but locally we can't get any help because of the influence of his well known contacts. That's why I am asking for your advice, cause we don't know what to do now, simply we are helpless. That is the way I am related to this query.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 November 2016
Advised already, lodge complaint with the police, meet higher officials of the police, in case of need take help of media.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 26 November 2016
She can consult her own local counsel.

Consulting is not litigation.

Arrange for her protection from such miscreants.

Approach police, media...........
Kumar Doab (Expert) 27 November 2016
There have been instances by damaging attacks published in media:::::acid attacks, hit and run cases by cars/lorry/truck/trolley , abuse in public, attacks on dignity, physical attacks, forced entries, etc etc ............

Therefore it was posted;Arrange for her protection.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 November 2016
Discuss the aspects pointed out by expert Kumar Doab with your lawyer and take steps otherwise also.
Ahana Majumdar (Querist) 25 December 2016
Respected Experts,
As per your advices, Recently she flied an F.I.R against above mentioned guy and police arrested him. But He got bail for his power. Now he is presenting wrong facts and evidences. As I mentioned he is an advocates and has political power that's why the situation becomes more n more worse. She is totally helpless. Almost, local and legal powers are well known to him and he is getting advantage from them. Now He is spreading more vulgar rumours about her and everyone says that the actual guilt is she and he is totally innocent. And the higher authorities force her to take the case back immediately, otherwise she will be murdered or threatened to get her life and her family at risk. She has complained to The women's commission also but nothing helps her. Before this case, he has ruined a life of an another woman too.
Please, advice, what to do. The situation becomes more risky and intolerable.
Ahana Majumdar (Querist) 25 December 2016
Respected Experts,
As per your advices, Recently she flied an F.I.R against above mentioned guy and police arrested him. But He got bail for his power. Now he is presenting wrong facts and evidences. As I mentioned he is an advocates and has political power that's why the situation becomes more n more worse. She is totally helpless. Almost, local and legal powers are well known to him and he is getting advantage from them. Now He is spreading more vulgar rumours about her and everyone says that the actual guilt is she and he is totally innocent. And the higher authorities force her to take the case back immediately, otherwise she will be murdered or threatened to get her life and her family at risk. She has complained to The women's commission also but no one helps her. Before this case, he has ruined a life of an another woman too.
Please, advice, what to do. The situation becomes more risky and intolerable.
Guest (Expert) 25 December 2016
The Perfect Question of Expert Mr.Sankar Narayanan Yet to be Replied
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 December 2016
No body is above law. A firm stand would fetch results.

She can meet higher police officials.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 25 December 2016
You have posted that the woman is your own sister.
If the said higher police officials are also biased, then meet highest police officials upto DGP, involve media, and engage a senior counsel.

Ahana Majumdar (Querist) 28 December 2016
Respected, Experts,
Police(the I.O) asks us for witnesses. But the guy threats all of the witnesses. Not sure if there is no witness then what to do? The guy and his family threat our family too. It becomes life risk for us. Infact, for us it becomes difficult to step out from home. The situation becomes more worse after lodging the F.I.R. please, advice us what to do and what not to do? How to involve media in this matter?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 December 2016
Bring the fact of threat in the knowledge of court, discuss with your lawyer.
Ahana Majumdar (Querist) 22 February 2017
Respected, Experts,
I am from west Bengal. Seeking a legal advice for my sister. According to your adviced,
I filed the F.I.R on the ground of harassment (physically and mentally), defamation and I.T act. But the accused person got bail by ₹2000 bound with the condition of twice a week appearance and on the ground to the fault of I/O because who was below the rank of I.C. The accused person is an advocate and has strong political power that's why everyone is biased and supporting him including bar council and police station. He is continuing his offence and it becomes more worse. He is entertaining the police and other lawyers by showing false photos and false facts about the girl. But it shocking for us, the Police has not asked us for any evidence against him and any investigation has not happened still now for us. We consultanted with a lawyer, but now I come to know that he is also biased and influenced by the accused person and politics. Now I have not find any lawyer who will be supporting for us. I went to some higher authorities as you adviced but it seems they are also biased. Now what to do? Please suggest me, we are helpless. The legal system is trying to prove that the matter of the fact is too light by showing that my sister is psycho and also pointing out the character of the girl. They are trying to resist us from taking the case to the court for trial.

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