(Querist) 23 July 2009
This query is : Resolved
hello all learned experts
i read a judgement in the said judgement written in heading that first appeal no ....of 2000 civil application no .....of 2003 for stay so i would like to know that for the appearing in the claim case first of all a differnert application lies and after the decided the appeal allows pls giuide me it is the matter of guj h court regards
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 23 July 2009
sorry could not understand ur query properly.
but to the extent i understood...i must tell u the civil misc. application must have been filed praying for the stay of award granted by the Tribunal.
its a misc. application, if the FAO (first appeal against order) is dismissed, the stay will stand vacated automatically.
if the appeal is allowed then certainly the award goes.