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Marriage certificate destroyed

(Querist) 22 March 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Marriage certificate not available as the marriage records are destroyed in the registrar.How do i get marriage certificate for my parents when one of the parent is deceased.
Advocate M.Bhadra (Expert) 22 March 2013
You can get certified copy of it from the concerned Marriage Officer or Office of the Registrar of Marriage in your State.
Priya (Querist) 22 March 2013
Ya we applied to the concerned marriage registrar but the records books with them are destroyed. so they are not able to give us .Is there any way we can ask the officer to issue us Non availability of marriage certificate.

Can we put a petition in court to issue us a marriage certificate with some witnesses who attended my parents wedding.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 22 March 2013
is they given reply stating that the record been destroyed. if then file petition in the court for the same
Priya (Querist) 22 March 2013
Yes they gave us the tornes pieces of the books which have been destroyed and said that they cannot help us. so we have to ask them for NACM - Non availability certificate for marriage and then we can file petition . will petition in court help us for getting marriage certificate.
Or after get the court order we need give it to registrar to make a records in thier books and issue us a marriage certificate.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 22 March 2013
the court order is enough and sufficient
prabhakar singh (Expert) 22 March 2013
If they have weeded out the records they must give you at least certificate of weeding as well as rules of weeding.I think it is permanent record of which no weeding should have taken place.

Court case would not be for granting certificate of marriage.

One parent already dead against whom the suit would be filed?

A declaratory suit against the person denying or demanding marriage certificate
could be filed by the parent alive for relief to the effect that it be declared that plaintiff( he/or she) was married with deceased so and so.

Then one who is demanding marriage certificate would be bound by the decree so passed and shall not demand any certificate of marriage.

Visit a local civil lawyer and discuss the issue in the line guided here and file the suit accordingly.
Priya (Querist) 22 March 2013
Here My mother is dead. And we children want the marriage certificate to prove that we are children .We need the marriage certificate for Legal purpose. But when we approached the marriage registrar they say that the records they had were destroyed. So we want a letter from the marriage registrar stating that the records have been lost?destroyed.

Now question is if My father put a petition in court the it would be for making a note that my parents were married to each other and the marriage was solemnised in the said registrar.

Is it possible to do that ?? or is there any other way out ..

I Know that the marriage registrar should have preserved the records carefully.

The local lawyer said that get some witnesses and we can apply to the court.

Thanks in advance. Responses and Advices much appreciated.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 22 March 2013
with the evidecne of photo, invitation and if any other doucments related to the same will be helpful to get back. if it held in the marriage hall then they have maintained the records too, so get all details and file in court. you get the solution.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 22 March 2013
Follow your lawyer and move ahead.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 22 March 2013
My Dear Sankar narayanan!

It is a very old case of marriage when even registrar has weeded out his register of marriage it is harsh to believe or expect there would be still "invitation cards"?

If i am wrong you are free to amend me.

Adducing oral evidence is the only course to prove this marriage may be coupled with joint photo graphs.Remember those were not the days we experience these days.

My last request to you is that my intention is pious to guide you and not to confront with you.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 22 March 2013
I agreed your words. I pointed only if then that also make supportive for the query. Sure we all here to learn more knowlege from you experienced seniors. No need to hessitate. My thought is I am in starting point and need to gather more and more from aall senior and even junior. My respect is always with you mr prakash ji.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 22 March 2013
Thank you sankar narayanan!
the best way to personalize any name is to copy and paste. i am not" praksh ji" but only "prabhakar"adding "singh" is your choice.

some time here after i shall cite a nice joke on communication should there any occasion arise!
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 22 March 2013
I don't know how I used prakash here hahahhaha may be I hope I can call u in both name. Sorry if. I am in negative.
Priya (Querist) 23 March 2013
Thank You very Much for the Replies.

My mother was born in 1951 and her Birth certificates are still available and my parents marriage was in may 1977
the record book is there till 21st april 1977 but from that date to next few years the books are been destroyed..All pages torned into pieces. WE even found one piece where my fathers name address his fathers name and occupation is there .

We do have marriage invitation card of my parents and their marriage photographs but they are balack and white.

And the marriage card is bit torne. But all the details of the wedding and palce and time and who did the wedding is still there.

I think with the help of witnesses and other supporting documents and photos i should be able to get the marriage certificate. Please Guide me if I am wrong ..

Thank You.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 23 March 2013
Then you have sufficient evidence to prove.
Priya (Querist) 23 March 2013
Thank You for your Quick Replies.

I am grateful for the advices Given by you .

Much appreciated!!
prabhakar singh (Expert) 23 March 2013
Most welcome you are ever.!!
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 March 2013
Nothing to add more as all aspects of the query have already been discussed in details.

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