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My brother was poisoned by his friend how to get justice

(Querist) 04 March 2012 This query is : Resolved 
As we have strong suspicion on his friend for poisoning my brother since they were very close friend and we had tried to save him by medical curing and taken to AIIMS but finally he passed of last year in March. We were clueless as we were under impression that it was disease but later we had seen arbitrary behavious of his friend and he tried to grab his Land as well he has told he owes 2Lac Rs. then we got suspicious and enquired details and it was found some details due to jeasolously they had done this hasty act. As his blood got infected and liver failed and by study it seems Rat poison can do this kind of death same as how Rat dies. We had not done Post mortem so pls. suggest how to get justice by law. As culprits are roaming freely and we feel humiliated and feel there is no justice if criminals does this kind of ruthless murder be deceitful way. Pls. suggest. As 3rd week of this year it will be one year.
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 05 March 2012
Dear Mr. Bishnoi
if you are really want to get justice, send a application cum complaint to Commissioner of Police in this regard.
feel free to call
Guest (Expert) 05 March 2012
Besides lodging a complaint to the police, it would also be better if you can collect some vital proof, as evidence against the culprit.
PARTHA P BORBORA (Expert) 05 March 2012
file an FIR at the local police station as soon as possible.
Ajay Bansal (Expert) 05 March 2012
As advised above.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 05 March 2012
You can lodge Police Complaint u/s 302, and produce relevant fact of his intention to grab his property etc.
Very important is investigation of purchase of poison, administration, by whom, where and when, who can be witnesses etc.

So file FIR.
Shonee Kapoor (Expert) 05 March 2012
It is merely a suspicion on your behalf. Police may not act upon the same.

What does the Post Mortem report says?


Shonee Kapoor
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 05 March 2012
You did not get post morteum. Then how you prove whether it was poisoning. Even if you rpove it was poisoning then how do yu prove it was not by you. (yes hard reaslity people do kill their brothers /siters for property). If you believ that he was killed by poison then why did you agree /abet destructin of evidence (and violated IPC) hby agreeing that there be no PM. You may have given some undertaking to the police. Since you have not given any complaint when corpse was intact you may be in trouble. You can be suspected of abetment of suicide.
Bhanwar Lal Bishnoi (Querist) 05 March 2012
Thanks for your valuable inputs and I will take necessary steps. I am taking care of education of my brothers siblings.

Regarding Mr. Sudhir Kumar's comments since our entire family was clueless how a healthy person who was staying with my parents in village will get ill like infection as I was working in Hyderabad and I went there when he was seriously ill and my younger brother was with him and my father was him. Since medication was not working and very recently in Pondicherry JIPMER there was case of tooth brush with rat poision and child where medicine was not working hence it was looking like anti social elements who were his friends did this heinous act to disturb our family as we were professionally very successful w.r.t village standards. He was getting selected as Police Inspector and was tested for medical by police and found no disease that certificate we have. As per our tradition we bury the body with entire village take part in it and we got doubtful after his close friend's activity to grab his property. Since before that we were under impression that due to disease he passed off. After that some hints came and now I am searching for witness. Things surfaced as time passed off that's where presently we are. I want to get justice for my brothers by getting punishment to culprits.

Thanks to all for valiable inputs.

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